Time Heals No Wounds

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It was the middle of the day. Toshinori and Aizawa moved pass the police tape and into the home of Midoriya. They made their way straight to the kitchen where the body of Izuku Midoriya's mother once laid. Dried blood stained the tiled floor. "This is where I found her." Aizawa spoke softly as he stared at the spot.

The two stared down at the messy area. The body was moved to the morgue so all that was left was her DNA. The pros' faces twisted in repulsion. They were repulsed by the fact that such a sweet innocent woman who've done nothing wrong became the victim to a murder. "Who did this?" All Might questioned and Aizawa sighed. "At the moment we don't know. Fortunately, whoever did this left behind some evidence. A few strands of their hair was found in Midoriya's mother's hand."

"So she at least fought back a little." Aizawa spoke his thoughts and the other nodded. "Yeah.. so they are running some test at the lab to find who the own of that hair was. I have a feeling it wasn't a random attack, especially if you believe they were here hiding while you were inside." He glanced at Aizawa. "And if she really was in distress at the time, it's highly likely she may of known and possibly was being threatened to stay quiet." The ravenette placed a hand over his face and exhaled deeply from his nose. If only he thought more about what was currently happening at the time and observed more carefully. Sadly, it's too late to think of "what if"s and "if only"s. He already had this talk with the Symbol of Peace, so becoming a hypocrite of his own advice was not needed nor desired. They didn't have time for self pity anyway. Izuku Midoriya was out there in trouble and in need of help. They promised this woman that they'd care for and protect her son, yet at the moment they had no idea about a lot of things. So much seems to be happening at once. When there is one problem and is in progress of being solved, another arises; however, they can't afford to be annoyed by this. The most important thing right now was to find and save Izuku Midoriya. He was taken and from the looks of the room Midoriya was last held in, it can't be certain they wouldn't harm him. They'd have to hope he at least wouldn't be dead. If so, why go through the trouble of framing him for his mother's death.

Aizawa was deep in thought and wasn't aware until All Might called out to him from another room. "Come here for a moment." He yelled.

The dark haired pro entered the living room where All Might stood investigating the scene. As he approached, a sickening smell hit his nostrils. The living room was as of a mess as he had seen it last. He made his way over to All Might who was now staring at the couch. "Was this sofa badly put together last time you were here? Though it's destroyed, it looks as if someone attempted to fix it.."

"Yeah it was, she-" He paused for a moment as his own eyes met the couch. It was different. The couch looked as if someone tried to fix it up a little more with the stuffing and cushioning. There was also a blanket tossed off to the side of it. It must of came from one of the untouched rooms from how it didn't look to be in poor condition. "What's the matter?" All Might questioned. "You said it was like this, right?"
Aizawa walked up to the sheet and picked it up. In doing so, he discovered a few red stains under it. Actually, there were faint stains that weren't there before all over the torn cushions. "No, it's different. She did try to fix it up, but to this extent and there wasn't a blanket around either as far as I could tell when I came in." Aizawa narrowed his eyes in suspension. He then pointed at the stains. "And there wasn't any blood here.."

"It wouldn't be hers, right? All he blood was found solely in the kitchen. It's even written on paper after the home was analyzed." Aizawa nodded in agreement. It definitely wasn't Ms. Midorya who did this then, right? Seems they will have to call someone in on this to test who the blood on the couch belongs to as well.
"Were they injuried?" Aizawa turned towards All Might who was thinking allowed. Though he wasn't speaking to him directly, he shared his thoughts regardless. "That's not an impossible idea. The blood, the blanket... wasn't here before, but is now. The fact the couch was tampered with further could of been an attempt to make it more comfortable to do so."

"Yes.. as I was thinking. However," the ravenette looked at his fellow pro expecting him to continue on, yet it looked as if Toshinori didn't want to speak his thoughts any further. Unfortunately, no matter how ridiculous or outlandish something may sound, at the moment if they had any opinions, concerns or theories they should share them. How else would they be able to work together to figure things out and help their missing student and his poor mother. So, Aizawa nudged Toshinori to continue on with this thoughts and share them aloud. "Hm.." He still seemed hesitant, but did so. "What is if.. it was Midoriya?" He glanced at his partner as if expecting him to turn the thought away, but Aizawa stood beside him listening carefully without a word. "I can't think of anyone else that would for any reason pick this crimescene as a place to lay their head. It wouldn't make since right? I.. it's not impossible that Midoriya may of escaped, right? What if he-"

"Then why didn't he come straight to us if he had?" It seemed he at least had Aizawa until he end before he seemed to pretty much dismiss it. However, almost immediately, Aizawa's phone seemed to go off. Checking it, he saw it was Sekijiro calling him, the teacher of Class 1B. He looked over to Toshinori who nodded and told him to go on and answer the call.


"A-Aizawa.. come back to the school quickly! It's.. Midoriya.."

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