It Burns Me

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"Where exactly am I?"

Midoriya's eyes slowly opened to reveal only darkness. From what he could tell, there was fabric over them. He attempted to move his arms only to find them bonded together behind him. Between his limbs and back, he could feel something narrow and smooth like a rod or a metal pole prehaps. Whatever it was, it helped limit his movements. Not that he could do much even without it there. He still felt as drained as when he was with the police officer. He highly doubted now that he was any normal officer. Speaking of which, he knows the guy dragged him out of the building, but where exactly did he bring him? And what was the purpose?

Midoriya tried to see if he could somehow will his body to make bigger movements. Hopefully he could find a way to release himself.

"Oh good!" Midoriya froze. "You're finally awake!"

The voice sounded a bit familiar. It belonged to a female without a doubt.

"Now that you are," He heard some type of metallic noise across from himself. "We can finally get started!"

"Where am I? Who are y-" Midoriya's words were interrupted by an extremely hard blunt object striking him across the face causing him to spit a bit of blood in the process. He heard her giggle. "I've been waiting two days for you to wake up, ya know? I rather get straight into the fun! Since I'm in charge of you, we do things my way. No questions."

Midoriya spat onto the ground beside him. A salty and metallic tast was in his mouth. He frowned slightly. "At least take the blind fold off so I can see who you are." He said, more like ordered. The obvious female sadist seemed to be thinking his "request" over. "Not knowing when you're about to get striked is so nerve racking.. I mean the anticipation! You can't prepare or see when its coming. Isn't it enough to make anyone anxious?" Midoriya frowned more not understanding why she was rambling on about nonsense instead of answering his question. Suddenly he felt the blow to his head again then again and a strong blow to his stomach as well. He had no idea what she has hitting him with. Whatever it was, hurt like hell. Although he was sure she'll have worse planned for him soon.

He heard the few steps of her's as she got closer and made herself comfortable sitting between his legs. Her hand reached out to wrap its fingers around the boy's throat before yanking off the blindfold with her other. Midoriya's eyes had to adjust to the light and focus in on her face. He looked at her a wide eyed. "I've.. seen you before. You're part of the League of Villians. I remember you guys were after Kaachan." She smiled at him kindly yet madly. Her hand stayed glue to his neck, but she didn't squeeze. She may of just wanted Midoriya back against the pole connecting the ground the the ceiling, as Midoriya was correct about. "Himiko Toga, but you can just call me Himiko. I want you to call me by my first name." There is was. That face. Midoriya started at the girl's strange facial expression as she smiled like some type of crazied yet flustered yandere. She was biting her nail, in a suggestive manner from how she was looking at him.

"What am I doing here?" Midoriya questioned and watched as she lowered her hand from her mouth. The smile still there, but not as large. "Izuku~" She sung. "What did I tell you-" Seemingly out of nowhere, she pulled out a switchblade and plunged it into his thigh with hesitation.
"-about asking questions?!"

Midoriya screamed out and clenched his teeth as she yanked it back out only to lick the blade as she stood up. With a psychotic loving expression on her face she said, "Delicious. Your screams, your blood. I want to hear more. I want to see way more. I bet you'd look so hot covered in your own blood. I wanna see it. I have to see it!"

"Crazy bitch!" Midoriya glared intensely at her grinding his teeth. He couldn't even move his arms to his leg to address his bleeding wound. She gasped, but not in shock nor fear. Toga smiled and pointed at his face. "There! I see it! In your eyes.. you want to kill me right now~. You really are special," She chuckled. "But you haven't been pushed over the edge yet. So, until that happens you're stuck seeing my beautiful face." The boy's death glare never faded and Toga only smiled.

"Now.. let's paint the room red.."

A-N: Next chapter comes out this weekend. Already started on it. This was originally suppose to be longer but life has me tired.. I'm gonna try to sleep now..
Sorry for any mistakes. Told you meh phone be acting mighty silly lad/lassy..
I appreciate the follows, votes, comments and reading list additions very much! It makes me happy to leave for a bit and see I have tons of notifications or have my phone vibrate 60 times in a row lol

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