To Be A True Hero

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"Are you a hero?" Shigaraki suddenly asked causing Midoriya to paused for a moment and looked at him quietly with a frown. "Do you think you can still be one?" His face slowly relaxed as he looked away. The villian smirked.

"What do you mean..?" Midoriya mumbled. The other chuckled as he kneeled beside the table the young boy was strapped to. "Don't be so naive after all that has happened. Words gets around fast, ya know? The incident at your home, the attempted murder of your "friends"", He air quoted. "And worst of all.... actually killing your mother.. Inko, right?" Midoriya's eyes widened for a second before a scowl developed upon his face.

"What the hell are you taking about!?" Midoriya attempted a quick sit up, but was yanked back down by his restrains. "I didn't kill her! Why would I kill my own mother!? Anyone but her! I may of hurt her, but I definently didn't kill her! I saw her!" He began yelling his truth. Shigaraki shook his head. With only his eye visible behind the hand covering his face, it was hard to make out his true expressions. To tell if he was lying or not. "That's not what I've heard." He said as he walked out of the room and returned just a few minutes later with what seemed to be newspaper. He made his way quietly back over to Midoriya's side and opened up the papers, allowing unnessary articles to fall to the floor until one sheet remained. Midoriya watched as the man folded the large sheet and reveal to him the page he wanted him to see. A look of terror instantly appeared as the first thing he noticed was the picture of his mother at the top corner. He knew his mother shouldn't be on the page of anything. She was a low profile type of woman and pretty timid. She'd stay in the house most of the time if she could. The picture automatically had him fearing the worse. Midoriya's heart began to race as he read the topic in bold.


He didn't need to read anything else and looked away. It was too painful. Midoriya caught a glimpse of his own picture at the bottom corner of the article's page. The photo could be recognized as his hero license picture.

Tears began clouding his eyesight until they overflowed and made their way down his temples as his gaze remained the white ceiling.

"It couldn't be true, right? Right? Oh god, please tell me it's not true! It's a lie. It's all a lie!" He balled his fist and squeezed his eyes shut. If it wasn't for the restrains, he'd be tearing his hair out or bashing his head against the wall. He was confused, angry, sad and so much more causing him to be overwhelmed.

He was so conflicted, he didn't notice nor feel Shigaraki piercing his arm with a needle. "So now you remember?" He said as he removed it and carelessly tossed it aside. Midoriya's eyes opened slightly and frowned at him through his tears. "If your not convinced, it's on TV.. Or would you like to visit her body?" A strong urge to strangle the man to death took over the boy.

"I didn't kill her." He growled.

"I know." Shigaraki nodded. "Toga did."

Sorry it took so long... I kind of got stuck.. but next chapter is in progress now and will be out soon!

Originally the name of this chapter was going to be "To Be Or Not To Be!", but I was laughing too much and changed my mind. It was too corny..

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