Lazy Day

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Jack and Nikki have not left the bed all day and have just ordered room service from the restaurant downstairs, Nikki is currently laying on her stomach resting her arms on Jack's chest, with the blanket wrapped around her body. Jack lies there slightly propped up by the pillows tracing random patterns on Nikki's back.
He looks down at her and smiles again, "You're amazing you know that?" Jack smirks lovingly.

Nikki chuckles and buries her face into his chest for a brief second before looking up at him, "You are too" She smirks. He smiles and kisses her head as he strokes her bare-back repetitively. "Do you think your Mum has missed up today? I thought she wanted to see us at breakfast" She adds curiously.

"She did, but I'd rather be in bed with you" He chuckles as he grabs the duvet and pulls it over their heads and rolls on top of her and starts to kiss up her neck.
"Jack!" She giggles and squirms under him as she attempts to wriggle away from him. Jack smirks and holds her still and continues to wind her up kissing her gently.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door and Jack sits up and looks down at Nikki, "Go answer it you giant fool!" She giggles and pushes him off her.
"Wait they may go away..." He smirks but there is a second knock at the door, "What if it's my mum!" Jack smirks as he looks at himself and Nikki noticing the lack of clothes.

Nikki rolls her eyes and props herself up on her elbows and clears her throat, "Who is it!" She shouts.

There is a pause of silence, "Erm... you ordered food from the kitchen!" the voice replies and Nikki pushes Jack to answer the door, he grabs his boxers and chuckles at her.

"Okay, one minute!" She calls back.
Jack gets into his boxers and walks to the door while Nikki wraps herself up in the sheets to give herself some modesty.

Jack opens the door and smiles at the young boy who has a tray with food one, Jack takes the tray from him and smiles, "Thanks" He says before kicking the door shut and looking at Nikki who falls into a fit of giggles.
"His poor face wasn't expecting a half-naked man to answer the door to him" Jack smirks.
"And image his face if I had gone to the door" She replies as Jack comes back to the bed and places the tray down and watches as Nikki clambers out of bed and grabs Jack's top and slips into it before walking over to the window and opening the blinds properly and opens the window before walking back to the bed.

"Oh, I see you've claimed my top now!" Jack smirks as he looks at her as it slightly hangs off her small body.

"Don't worry there is more of that to come" she giggles cheekily as she opens a bottle of orange juice and sips it.
"I better start labelling them" Jack chuckles and Nikki rolls her eyes at him.

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