Bouquet of Colour

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Once the ceremony is over and Laura and Hunter are finally married they all head off to a hotel where the after celebrations are being held. Everyone is currently stood outside the venue waiting for Laura and Hunter to arrive, once they arrive Laura and Hunter head up the stairs to the hotel and they stand at the top, Laura clutching her bouquet of flowers. A few of the women are waiting for Laura to throw the bouquet like the old fashioned tradition. 

Nikki, on the other hand, isn't bothered by the whole catching the Bouquet and is stood towards the back cuddling into Jack's side as she is cold, "Oh come on Nikki if you catch it..." Ruth begins but Nikki cuts her off.
"No, it's silly" She replies as she shivers slightly, for May time it is very cool out which isn't that good as Nikki has nothing on her legs and has a thin cardigan on to cover herself up. 

She remains on Jack's side for a while and giggles as Ruth rolls her eyes and steps forward hoping to catch the Bouquet. Laura turns around and counts to three before she throws the bouquet with some force that it shoots sight up in the air and heads straight for Nikki, almost in a panicked way Nikki quickly steps forwards and manages to catch it with complete fear that it will hit her or Jack. 
"Bloody hell, Your sister has a good throw on her" Nikki laughs as she looks at the beautiful bouquet in her hands. 
"She's part of the North Belfast women's Basketball team," Jack replies happily as he watches Nikki who looks terrified as Ruth approaches them. 

She smiles cheerfully at Nikki who attempts to walk off, "Nikki... oh lucky you, your turn next... I'm expecting an invite to your wedding" Jack's Mother smiles as she looks at the two who are completely horrified. "Oh don't look so scared, you two will be perfect together. Just remember marriage before babies" Ruth chuckles and leaves them to it. 

"Oh don't you worry mother" Jack replies and Nikki chuckles and rolls her eyes at Jack's sarcastic remark. "Don't worry Nik, I'm not going to do anything like that."
Nikki smirks and just nods as she follows the crowd into the hotel. "Well I hope you put a ring on it before babies, Jack Hodgson" Nikki replies in a chirpy tone. 

Jack and Nikki head into the venue and are soon seated for the meal, Jack and Nikki have been seated with two of his aunts and three cousins who he hasn't seen in many years. 

"Nikki this is my Aunt Darina and my Aunt Pauline...they are my Dad's elder sisters, and these are my cousins, Sorcha, Riona and Eoin" Jack smiles as he sits beside Nikki at the round table and introduces her to his family who already is very friendly with Nikki and has picked up a healthy conversation with them both. 

While Nikki keeps in a conversation with his cousins and aunt's, Jack heads up to the bar and orders himself and Nikki a drink each, while waiting for his drinks his Mum joins him and stops him from heading back to the table when he receives his drink.
"Son... Nikki caught that Bouquet... you know what is next..." Ruth smirks and Jack shakes his head. "Come on, Jack, you need to propose to the girl... I mean you two have been together for almost two years... you two were made for each other... do it Jack" Ruth says pushing him for an answer. 

Jack shakes his head and looks across at Nikki, "No Mum," he replies.
Ruth also looks across at Nikki, "Yes Jack, she is totally the woman for you. You two will be so happy together."

He sighs and almost gives in, "No not today, I think Laura would kill me for taking her out of the center of attention," Jack chuckles and his Mum nods in agreement before letting Jack head back to Nikki with the drinks, He sighs with relief thinking he has gotten out of the whole proposal situation but he knows his Mum may never let it drop and he may have to lie to her and say they are engaged or even broken up depending on how their current relationship pans out.  

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