Sunny-Side Up

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The following morning Jack wakes to Nikki's back pressed up against his chest, he looks at the blonde hair blankly for a moment before realizing it's Nikki and them talking at 3 am. Jack suddenly realise his arm is draped across her waist, he snatches her arm back and looks at Nikki who begins to stir and push herself more against Jack as she wakes up.
Jack squeezes his eyes shut and tries to think of something to stop the awakening in his pyjama shorts. 

Jack then rolls onto his back and looks up at the ceiling, Nikki then rolls over and looks across at him, "Morning" Nikki mumbles with a smile greeting her friend. 

"Morning" Jack smiles back at her. 
Nikki rolls over and grabs her phone off the bedside table, she presses the home button and looks at the time before lying back on her back and looking up at the ceiling before looking at Jack who has reached for his phone and manages to grab it before lying back down. 

Five minutes later, there is a knock at the door followed by the door opening and Ruth popping her head around the door, "Morning campers!" She says cheerfully.

Nikki sits up and smiles at Jack's Mum, "Morning," She replies simply. 
"Oh, you two made up then, over your lovers' tiff?" Ruth smirks noticing them both sitting rather close to each other. 

"You could say that" Jack replies and places his phone in his lap and looking at his Mum. 
"Good, breakfast in five. Don't be late or it's in the dog" Ruth smiles and leaves them alone but leaving the bedroom door open where suddenly one of the dog's bursts in and jumps up onto the bed with them. 

"God's sake Molly!" Jack laughs as she dives on him and almost takes Nikki out in the process. 

Nikki laughs at him and fusses Molly as she sits on Jack's lap proudly panting away, "She's so sweet" Nikki chuckles as Molly then jumps up and barks before rushing out the room and downstairs. "Come on then let's go and get breakfast before Molly and her pups get it" Nikki chuckles. 

She climbs out of bed and adjusts her pyjama shorts before grabbing her dressing gown that is draped over the armchair and puts it on before looking at Jack. "Ready?" She smiles happily at her friend who is still sat in bed. 

He shakes his head and breaths, "No, give me five."
Nikki giggles and walks out of the room and decides to head to the bathroom to kill some time as she doesn't want to go downstairs and face his parents alone. She gently shuts the bedroom door before herself before stopping and wondering what is wrong with Jack, suddenly she hears a loud groan followed by Jack cursing to himself, "Oh fuckkkk, go away!" He groans. 

Nikki's eyes widen and she hesitates before walking back into the bedroom and looking at Jack who has his eyes squeeze shut and his hands in his hair. "Everything okay?" She questions. 

Jack jumps and looks at her with a slight nod, "I'm fine, just cramp, won't be long" He says. 
She smirks and leaves the room again, she heads to the bathroom and once she comes out, Jack is stood waiting for her. "Ready?" He questions and she nods before wrapping her dressing gown around her small frame. 

They both head downstairs to the kitchen where Ruth and Connor are sat at the kitchen table, both with a cup of tea sat in front of them and the daily newspaper in Connor's hands. "Morning, sleep well?" Connor questions the two. 

Jack pulls out a chair and indicates for Nikki to sit down before he sits beside her, "Yes it was okay" Jack smiles. 
"Your mother told me you two had a tiff last night, in the dog house ay son?" He chuckles.
Jack rolls his eyes and nods before Nikki speaks up "Yes, needs to learn to keep his hands to himself and how to control himself" She smirks and bites her lip as Ruth pours them both a cup of tea. 

"Containing those urges, Jack? always the worst. Nikki definitely wears the trousers doesn't she" Connor chuckles making Nikki realise how alike Jack is to his Dad. 
"Oh, I certainly do" She replies with a devious look on her face, "I have plans for you Hodgson," She giggles knowing she is just going to pull pranks on him at work and make his life hell for making her go through with this fake relationship. 

Ruth rolls her eyes at the two and serves up the breakfast, "Hope you two haven't got any plans this afternoon, your sister Laura is coming round, she wants to see you and meet Nikki" She explains while dishing up baked beans onto everyone's plates.
Jack just nods and tucks into his toast while he waits for his Mum to finish serving up the full English breakfast. 

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