Be Gone Thot!

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Time: the evening of the same day, that the training session took place.

Place: Gremory mansion.

Rias had announced to her peerage that she's going to irritate the reaper. This time however her peerage isn't willing to go with her. 

Rias: What do you mean you won't help me!? Are you questioning my authority!?

Akeno: It's not about that rias! The lord lucifer is aware of reaper's presence, It's clear that he doesn't want to bring any conflict between the devils and the reapers. 

If we do anything that could disrupt their meetings, there is no guarantee that any of us will survive.

Kiba: I have to agree with akeno. Even if the reaper himself wouldn't kill us, lord lucifer won't let us go off the hook. Not in such an important matter.  

Rias: Even so! Are you expecting me to simply do nothing after what he had done to my face!?

Koneko: Maybe if you'd apologise he'd let you heal those scars. After all he was trying to give you a lesson. 

Rias: I can't believe my ears! You want me to drop  down to my knees and beg that monster for forgiveness!? I'm a pure blooded devil, there is no way that I could do something so shameful! 

Akeno: Whatever you're planning to do keep us out of it.  We agreed to follow you but we aren't going to risk our lives when there is nothing to be gained. 

Rias: Fine then I'll do it myself!- She yelled as she left the room in which her meeting was held. 

Rias: All of them are worthless, once I deal with this situation I'll have to find new pieces. 

And I know a great new candidate. 

Timeskip to the next morning. 

Place: Phenex mansion. 

Riser, his peerage, you and your group are currently eating breakfast. While other people are trying to recover from their sore muscles you are trying to figure out why you're feeling so weird today. 

Raynare: Maybe it's just a hangover? I mean you've drank few barrels of vine. 

Kala: Then you took in two gallons of vodka.

Mittelt: And for the finisher you've drained a whole bottle of spiritus. Just to prove that you can.

(Y/N): Girls don't forget that I'm an undead being. I have to consciously hold bach my regeneration in order to get drunk in the first place.  Do you honestly think that I would waste my time on hungover?

Asia: Maybe you forgot about something? Like doing some chores or perhaps reaper duties?

(Y/N): Nah, I'm free from doing anything that does not involve planning the next meeting between the three fractions. 

It might turn out to be a historical event...again.

Raynare: I'm kind of worried about that again part but when it comes to the situation at hand... maybe you wanted to speak with us about something?

(Y/N): I seriously don't remember anything like that. I mean nothing really happened and I already gave you my feedback about your training. 


???: Maybe you're feeling off because you've been turned into a devil while you were asleep.

As the voice spoke the devil wings sprouted from your back. 

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