Phenix rises from ashes.

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Place: unspecified

Time: Right after defeating the corrupted that resided in riser.

Goddess of death: Long tome no see (Y/N). It is quite sad that we meet again in such unfortunate circumstances.

(Y/N): Indeed. This is the first time a reaper is going to ask to spare someone's life. Truly a spacial day.

goddess of life: (Y/N), I know that you'd never mention such a thing if you didn't have a very important reason. Thus I'll immediately ask you to present your reasoning to us. 

(Y/N): Thank you for your kindness.

There are few reasons why I consider riser's death not only unjustified but also harmful towards our final goal. 

First of all riser's death is a direct consequence of the mistake of the reapers. We have failed to realise the sudden development of the corrupted beings. They are no longer foolish beasts that are simply strolling around as an individuals.

Corrupting riser was a calculated move, and first step in conquering hell.

Goddess of death: What is the base for your claim?

(Y/N): The situation which caused him to became corrupted and the way how the beast's were acting during the fight. 

Despite multiple autonomic organisms they didn't try to run away from me .

They have deliberately decided to fuse with the main body in order to power it up for better chances of defeating me. 

Beast's aren't acting in such a way. Soldiers do.

After confirming information's within your memories Goddess of life replied:

Goddess of life: Indeed this situation would suggest that our enemy has became much more powerful then ever before. 

However this fact alone isn't enough to justify resurrecting someone. You know it well, luck is one of the most important factors when it comes to survival. The fact that riser became corrupted as a result of your mistake is nothing more then a simple misfortune. 

If we would revive people solely because of that half of Conscientia crystalizon would be lost.

(Y/N): I am aware of that however riser isn't the same as any other being. If he was I wouldn't bother trying to save him for his life wouldn't hold much meaning in grand scheme of things.

He however was willing to trow his life away as soon as he realised that his mere existence was a threat to people around him. His altruism alone is a proof that he is a valuable person. 

Should he be given more time I'm certain that his soul would become much more nourishing to our paradise. 

And that's not all. His personality will definitely inspire other people causing them to see so much more in their lives.

Goddess of life: Which in return would enrich Conscientia crystalizon once their time comes.

Goddess of Death: This would definitely include his peerage. And if his sister also becomes a king one day the effect will be so much more powerful.

(Y/N): Indeed. And yet that's not all. Now that the beast are staring to act in more calculated manner, there is no other choice but to inform all of the supernatural fractions about their existence. 

Reapers alone won't be enough to keep them in check. Or rather there will be too many causalities if we'd continue to work on our own.

Goddess of life: It seems logical, however how is that connected to riser?

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