The beginning

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(Author notes)



character speaking

3td POV

3 people sit in crowded room filled up with screens, computers and electronics. They play some board games when another person walks in.

???: Hey guys we have another corrupted one.

2???: Really now!? I'm about to win dude!

3???: No you're not and I'm too tired to deal with that shit. Why won't you go?

2???: I took care of the last one! Thus one of you guys has to go.

(Y/N): I'll take care of this.

You say as you trow the cards on the table (heads down)

???: You sure? I thought it was Carl's turn .

Carl: Hey Maran! don't drag me into this when he's volounteering!

(Y/N): Yeah I got bored of this game anyway. So where is the target?

Maran:He's in Japan.

You give him ironic look. Others crack few laughs but he stays silent.

(Y/N): ... Any specific location or should I look through entire country on my own?

Maran: Oh right He's around Kuoh academy. you're lucky. It's directly below us, You won't need to fly. At most you'll need some gliding.

(Y/N): That's great but when will you lern that not all of us can sense them accross the globe?

After saying that you put your battle clothes on and walk toward's the door.Everyone in the base is always naked.

Maran: You know that I can't remember little things like that. Anyway Why are you so eager for the job? That's quite rare.

(Y/N): I told you I'm bored and besides,

You sprout grey wings out of you'r back just in case you'd need them.

I really want to move a bit.

You jump through the door and start falling down.

Maran:Well guess that's settled then.

Sterben:Yeah I bet he was about to lose this time that's why he left.

Carl: I take that bet , check his cards.

Sterben checks cards.

Sterben: Ow come on how can you stop playing when you're about to win it doesn't make any sense!

Carl: Poor Sterben. (Y/N) deafeted you so many time that it's no longer fun to him.

Sterben: Oh shut up Carl.

Some time later...

Right after issei was killed by raynare, Rias appeared to reincarnate him. She created magic cicle under his body and started ritual. Simultaneously Raynare is trying her best to survive the attacks of Koneko, Kiba and Akeno.


Shit! How am I supposed to kill that perverted bastard with all these assholes around. Anyway I can't let this redheaded bitch to revive him !

Suddenly something fell on the ground cousing huge explosion. After a moment a humanoidal shape is emerging from the smoke. As you walk towards combatands you make sure to send large amount of killing intent. After all they need to take this situation seriously.

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