A wild nun appears,the beast stirs and the battle begins.

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3rd POV

After deciding the time of attack Mittelt,Kala and Dohnaseek (I swear to god writting his name is such a pain in the ass) went to sleep you and raynare stayed up for some friendly talk. 

Raynare: You know (Y/N) I really need to ask you one thing.

(Y/N): Sure what is it?

 Raynare: You are powerfull enough to kill such beast effortlessly so why do you need our help?

 (Y/N): You see I really am trying to avoid killing anyone that isn't a target. After all the whole point of killing immortals and corrupted is to keep balance between life and death. If I would start killing creatures left and right I would do more damage  then helping. That's why I want you to take on the devils. If you kill them there won't be a problem.

Raynare:  Wait what's the diffrence if we kill them or if you kill them?  

(Y/N): It's about the powers that we represent. You are fallen angel, a living creature. Which means that your body consists mostly of life energy. When you kill devils which are olso living creatures, the cicle goes correctly: Life creates death. On the other side I am an undead. My body consists mostly of death energy. If I were to kill the devils the circle would be disrupted for death would create death.

As for me being powerfull You might be overestimating me. My streanght,speed durability and things like that are on the level of two demon lords combined.

  Raynare: What!? Don't get me wrong it's still means that you are extremely powerfull but considering that you've been around and the fact that you've been hunting down immortals I expected you to be far more powerfull then that.

  (Y/N): You see after we reached certian point of power we stopped training. If we kept going things would be dangerous. Death energy even at low levels is hard to control. If we would become more powerfull we would be nuking everything around us. It would be even worse then leaving immortals for themselves.

 Raynare:Ok so how did you guys menaged to defeat some of the more powerfull immortals?

Or the corrupted?

  (Y/N): In case of corrupted we are pretty much worst possible opponents for them. Their battle tactic resolves aroud three things:

-Grabbing opponents and stealing their lifeforce.

  -Suprising oponents with their regeneration ability.  

-Extremely agressive attacks.

The first strategy falls flat at the start. Bodies of the reapers consist mostly of death energy Which is like lethal poison to the corrupted. They try to recover and they get injured instead.

Second one falls flat as soon as they meet oponent which already faced one of them. And since we can block healing abilities trying this strategy ends painfully for them.

  Raynare: Wait you can block healing? Is it permanent?

 Once applayed the effect is permanent unless the reaper removes it. For normal creatures 

it would be extremely unlikely to survive tho there is a way to free yourself from this effect and corrupted can exploit it.

 Raynare:  Really how is it done?

I need to know!Azazel-sama said that delivering any information on  reapers will be awarded!

And if I lern such crutial weakness I might even become his right hand! To think that he is talking about it so thoughtlessly!

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