Aftermatch and the one who bites the dust.

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                                        Place - The abandoned church.

                                           3rd pov

Raynare is sitting on the sofa pretty worried becouse both your team and the devils got teleported away.

suddenly a magic poral appears in the living room and you walk through it with uncountious Asia in your arms. 

Raynare: Hey Are You all ri-

She stopped talking when she saw gaping hole in your abdomen. You could see thatt she was both worried and terryfied.

(Y/N): Calm down girl this wound isn't even remotely close to killing me.

  Raynare: Oh thank God. What happened to Asia and where is Freed?

Asia is just uncouncious so nothing to worry about. Freed however is dead.

Raynare: Oh. That's... well let's be honest he won't be missed.

 (Y/N): True.  Call the others. I'll explain what happened after I place Asia in some bed. Olso bring some kind of acid.

Raynare: Why do you need-

 (Y/N): You'll see.


Right now everyone is sitting in front of you waiting for explanation. Meanwhile you are adding some kind of black crystals into the chydrochloric acid that raynare brought.

Kala: So could you tell us what are you doing. What are those crystals?

  (Y/N): Anti- live matter. after the crystal breaks it can purge all live energy from  from surrounding area. I'll use them to heal my wound.

Mittelt: What!? It dosn't make any sense! How can purging life energy heal wounds!? If anything it'll wound you. Especially if you add acid to them.

(Y/N): If certian conditions are met my body reacts to life energy like poison. Such wounds don't heal easily. Thus in order to regenerat I need to get rid of it.

Crystals will get rid of the energy. and the acid will burn away the contaminated flesh.

With that you removed upper part of your uniform and used water magic to telepaticly lift the acit into the air.  

Kala: Wait! Aren't you going to numb yourself somehow?

  (Y/N): Thanks for concern but I ' ain't bitch made.

And with that you poured tha acid straight on your wound. The sound of melted flesh filled the air as you clenched your teeth. 

The fallen angels watched in horror as dark energy started swirling around you. It was filled with imense amount of blood lust. It was obvious that death of the person that did this to you will be painful.  After a moment Your wound cloused nearly instantly. You checked the place where the wound was and smiled creepyly.

 (Y/N): Good as new.

 Dohnaseek: You are really terryfying fellow aren't you.

  (Y/N): Indeed I am. Now then I guess I have to tell you what happened.

Timeskip to the time after explanation.

Raynare: Ok I understand everything beside one thing. Why the hell did you released the negative effects that you've put on them? If you wouldn't do that the death of that beast would be certian!

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