Chapter 15: Secrets and Sightings

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Dylan and Gardenia smiled happily as Arthur's face slowly lit up, covered with love-riddled shock. The three stood in suspense for a moment, before Gardenia finally gave in, and stood aside. And Arthur's mouth dropped open.

She had been standing right behind Gardenia the whole time, unable to see him. But now she could, her eyes went wider than dragonfly eggs, her ears flung to a position that was almost vertical, and she didn't waste a second. 

"SELENIA!" Arthur screamed in happiness, holding his arms out to accept her sweet embrace. But when Selenia began to move, she didn't stop. She physically threw herself into his arms, the force of her impact pushing Arthur backwards onto the bed. The two remained entwined for a moment, only a breath's width apart, as a single tear slid down Selenia's cheek and landed on Arthur's cheek with a microscopic splash. Arthur smiled, his brilliant white teeth shining wonderfully, and Selenia simply couldn't contain herself anymore. 

She quickly lowered her head and connected their lips in a passionate embrace of love. Arthur wrapped his arms around her back as he lay there in purest bliss, allowing the loneliness to fade away. The two of them once again entered into the state where everyone and everything else simply faded away into the blissful void of their love, and they intended to stay that way for as long as they possibly could. 

Unfortunately, there always seemed to be something more important, despite the fact their love for each other was stronger than every other force in the world combined.

Gardenia cleared her throat. The two of them slowly untangled themselves and stood from the bed, but remained staring into each other's eyes, a furious blush scorching Selenia's face, turning her redder than her sunset hair. Then, exercising a little more restraint, she leaned forward and gently wrapped Arthur in a warm hug, which Arthur gladly returned. Selenia's wonderful floral scent filled his nostrils, as she whispered in his ear.

"I missed you..."

"I missed you more." Arthur replied, withdrawing from the hug and cradling her face in his hands. "I'm so happy you're safe."

Selenia clutched Arthur's hands to her face, never wanting to let go.

"And of course, as usual, no one cares about me!" Beta exclaimed in annoyance. Dylan grinned.

"Of course we missed you, come here you little knucklehead!" Dylan said, grabbing Beta and rubbing his fist into Beta's head, Beta's extreme amount of hair making it quite the task. Selenia just rolled her eyes and gave Arthur another quick kiss before turning back to Gardenia.

"Princess Gardenia." Selenia said with a respectful nod.

"Princess Selenia." Gardenia replied, returning the curt nod. "It's been a long time."

"Indeed. I've not seen you since..." Selenia began, but seemed to realise what she was saying just as a flicker of sadness could be seen in Gardenia's eyes. "...It's been too long." She corrected herself. Gardenia nodded.

"Well now that the little reunion is done--" Gardenia began, but she was cut short as Beta's painful cries filled the room. it seemed that Dylan had finally manoeuvred his fist past all of the young boy's hair. "Dylan! " Gardenia exclaimed angrily. Dylan immediately dropped Betameche and mock saluted.

"Yes, your highness! Sorry, your highness! It won't happen again, your highness!" he stated with surprising speed. Gardenia stared at him for a few moments, before shaking her head and continuing. 

"Now that the little reunion is done, I suggest we return to the matter at hand." She said matter-of-factly.

"Indeed. The ever-looming fact that there's an omnipotent shadow demon out to kill us !!" Dylan exclaimed.

Arthur and the Invisibles 5: Legend of the ForestWhere stories live. Discover now