Chapter 6: Scars of the Past

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Arthur's heart almost stopped as he moved his head out of Selenia's grasp, and turned around to see the result of his stupidity. The raging waterfall was getting ever closer, and he had to think quickly.

"So, Mr 'I'm here!', got any bright ideas before we drown?" Selenia spat sarcastically. By the time she had finished, a single idea had popped into Arthur's mind, and it was as good as any. So he went with it. 

"Sure! Of course I have!" He stated with half-hearted confidence. He quickly turned to the other side of the boat, where Beta was nervously fiddling with his knife. "Beta! Any chance there's a rope on that 300 function pocket knife of yours?" He asked hopefully.

" That's only on the smaller model." Beta admitted sadly. Arthur gritted his teeth in frustration, surely there was something on the boat that could be used as a rope. He glanced back to Selenia, about to ask her if she had any suggestions, but his eyes moved down from her face to her bra, and the completely obvious lace that tied it together.

Arthur considered this for a split second while Selenia looked at him in confusion. Considering this was the girl he was madly in love with, he was surprised that over the last few hours he had built up the courage to even speak to her, and now he had to physically take something from her. But the thought that if they drowned, he'd never be able to tell her how he felt implored him to at least try.

"I've got an idea." He stated, and approached Selenia, reaching for her chest and beginning to untie the lace as quickly as possible. But, not at all to Arthur's surprise, Selenia's hand came to greet his at an alarming and painful speed.

"Ow!" He complained, quickly withdrawing his hands.

"Hey! Just because we're about to die, doesn't mean you can start taking liberties!" She assured him. Arthur wasn't entirely sure what she meant by this, but was certain she had the wrong idea.

"No, you've got it all wrong! I need the lace to reach that tree over there!" He explained, pointing at the huge fallen branch that lay just above the waterfall. Selenia followed his gaze, but still didn't look convinced.

"Hmm, I'm not so sure about this idea of yours." She didn't sound  convinced either. But Arthur was done waiting. He often admired Selenia's stubbornness, but this time, it felt like he should trust his gut. And his gut was telling him that the alternative to this plan was death.

"Well I'm sure." Arthur stated, quickly grabbing the lace and pulling before Selenia had a chance to intervene. The lace slid quickly from her bra, as she let out a high pitched yell of surprise. Arthur quickly bent down and began to tie the lace to the sword of power. 

"Arthur, have you ever thrown a sword like that before?" Beta asked him. Arthur sighed. He was a normal, ten year old boy, who only yesterday discovered that a race of tiny creatures inhabited his garden. He had never touched a sword before yesterday, let alone thrown  one. He probably would have considered giving him a look that showed just how much of a stupid question that was if they weren't about to drop off of a waterfall. So he went for the logical answer. 

"No, but it can't be much more difficult than playing darts." He stated, not entirely sure whether or not he believed it himself. Given how many times he'd scored a bullseye on his dartboard at home, he had often imagined himself at a world championship. But right now he was certain that the pressure he would feel if he was about to throw the winning dart would be nothing compared to the pressure of saving his Minimoy friends from a watery grave.

Nevertheless, he pulled the string tightly one last time, and grabbed the sword tightly, pulling it backwards. Ready to throw. He took a deep breath, closed one eye, and with no regrets, launched the sword towards the fallen branch. It sailed through the air with the grace of a feather but the speed of an arrow, and hit its target perfectly, at such an angle that Selenia's lace dangled perfectly in front of their boat. With a quick smile at his accomplishment, Arthur quickly turned to the others.

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