Chapter 12: Forgotten Secrets

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"So was your first visit to the Seven Kingdoms?" Archibald asked drily. Dylan didn't even look at Archibald as he replied, and continued to pace around the kitchen.

"Well, apart from a literal demon trying to kill me and Arthur, just peachy!" He muttered sarcastically. He eventually stopped to stare out at the afternoon sun, the wonderful sunny day not seeming so wonderful anymore.

Arthur hadn't said anything since he'd explained what had happened. He had slumped down into a hard, wooden chair and tried his best to hide the groans of pain as his grandmother applied antiseptic to the many cuts and bruises Moulder had inflicted upon his back. He had refused to talk to anyone. 

He stared down at his knees, on top of which lay the three, shattered fragments of the sword of power. It seemed they had been sucked through the vortex and had ended up full size in the human world, just like last time. Arthur just stared at them, and despite how quiet everything seemed, inside Arthur's mind it was a deafening whirlwind of thoughts, sounds and images. 

And yet he still struggled to comprehend what just happened.

"OK, I'm going to be the first to say what in the name of god just happened?!" Dylan exclaimed. "With everything Arthur told me about the sword, I was under the impression that it was like, indestructible!" 

"It should have been." Archibald assured him. "The sword of power was the last of its kind, a weapon forged from the finest metals and enchanted with the strongest magic the Seven kingdoms had to offer--" Archibald began, but Arthur grabbed all three fragments in his hand, leaped up from his chair and slammed them on the dining table with a thud that silenced the room.

"Tell that to Moulder !" Arthur exclaimed, before slumping back into his chair, silent once more. Armand stepped forward to place a comforting hand on his shoulder, whilst Rose busied herself with passing more medical supplies to Daisy. Dylan glanced at Arthur, but decided it was best not to question him. He turned back to Archibald.

"The point is Archie, the 'strongest magic' wasn't enough. This Moulder guy is powerful." Dylan stated. Archibald gave an apparent sigh of defeat.

"I can't understand why I don't know about this 'Moulder'. You said he seemed to know the Minimoys already?" Archibald inquired. Dylan nodded. 

"And he knew Selenia." Arthur added darkly. "Moulder said he'd tried to kill her, but she never said anything about some dark force coming after her."

"Not exactly a typical conversation topic is it?" Dylan replied. Archibald rubbed his beard.

"If this Moulder has a past with the Minimoys, you would have thought that he'd be recorded in the great book..." He stated thoughtfully.

"The what?" Dylan asked.

"It's a comprehensive Minimoy encyclopedia." Arthur explained. "It tells their laws, their culture, and their entire history." He turned to his grandfather. "Grandpa, if Moulder is a part of their history, it should be recorded in the great book, right?"

"It should." Archibald agreed. "But it isn't. After you told me what happened, I dug out my old copy of the great book, and read it front to back. Twice. There's no mention of this Moulder, or anything of the type. It doesn't make sense..." 

"They were afraid to spell his name." Everyone turned to see the Chief of the Bogo Matassalai, and the rest of the tribe, enter through the back door, each holding a large scroll. The Chief gently placed the fragments of the sword to one side, before laying out his scroll on the table. It was old, and weathered, parts of the edges fraying or missing completely. Arthur sat forwards to inspect the contents of the scroll.

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