Chapter 13: Another Way

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Arthur sat alone in his grandfather's study, at the desk. He stared at the desk, at the fine layer of dust that many a normal person may find distasteful, or even disgusting. But here, in this house, it was a subtle reminder that this was the domain of Archibald Suchot, who believed in this peculiar style of haphazard order. Books were stacked high, African masks were nailed to the wall like sentries, and dozens of other assorted bits of junk. Once again, up for debate.

Archibald would probably be offended if anyone called anything in his study 'junk'. He believed that everything in his study had a distinct purpose. A reason for existing in its exact position within the room. And to move that object, to disrupt that reason, would be to disrupt the wonderfully chaotic order of his study.

But although Arthur had always enjoyed this way of thinking, and had adopted it in his own room back in his English home (much to the initial despair of his parents), he didn't feel much like admiring it today. He simply sat there, overcome with a silent level of sadness, running his finger over one of the smooth, crimson rocks, watching its mesmerising, veiny interior disappear and reappear beneath his finger.

He couldn't help but see his own face staring back at him, but not his reflection. He saw instead the face he possessed as a Minimoy, his own amber eyes staring straight back at him. He sighed.

"You know, I would usually say sitting in a study by yourself, staring at a desk is unusual behaviour for you, but given what's happened in the past twenty four hours, I'd say you're doing alright."

Arthur turned to see Dylan leaning against the doorway, smiling at him warmly. That was one thing Arthur liked about Dylan. Arthur could be in the darkest of moods, and Dylan could walk in, smile, and make him feel positive again. It was a superpower shared by both Dylan and Archibald. Arthur smiled for a moment, but then the momentary burst faded, and he went back to staring at the stones again.

"You'd be wrong." Arthur said sadly. Dylan sighed, and walked across the study to join him at the desk. Pulling up a pile of books to sit on, Dylan opened his mouth to say something, but stopped short when he saw what was laying on the desk.

"Are--are those...?" He asked in a whisper of awe, staring at the platter. Arthur nodded, running his finger over another one of the glimmering rubies.

"Rescued from Necropolis nearly thirty moons ago." Arthur stated, trying and failing to generate pride to go with the statement, even though his plan to have Mino signal him from below ground so he could find the rubies all those moons ago had been utter genius. 

"Arthur, talk to me. What's wrong?" Dylan asked calmly. Arthur sighed, and turned away from the platter of rubies to look Dylan in the face.

"When I first recovered these rubies, I thought that every visit to the Seven Kingdoms from then on would be peaceful: that I would spend time with Selenia, laugh with Beta, and enjoy the Seven Kingdoms for what it is: magical. And here we are, thirty moons later, and once again, the task of saving their world rests on my shoulders." He explained sadly.

"Hey, I know this isn't exactly the peaceful visit you asked for, but peaceful and enjoyable are two completely separate things. Besides, could you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't enjoy going on these adventures?" Dylan asked, raising his eyebrows. Arthur didn't even need time to answer.

"No." He said, then with a smile of determination. "No, I love them."

"Love them? If what you've told me is true, you're born for them! You're the greatest hero the Seven Kingdoms has to offer!" Dylan exclaimed. "And look at it this way: Granted, this Moulder guy seems tough, but he clearly underestimated you! And now, you get to go on a brand new adventure, seeing parts of the Seven Kingdoms that you've never seen before, and Selenia, Beta, and me will have your back every step of the way!" 

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