Beatlese Swearing

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For the occasion, a cute video of Paul swearing. Hazza.

I can bet (Paul joke) that most of you would like some swear words in Beatlese so you can say them to everyone and they won't know what you're saying. Trust me, I do it all the time at school. My friend and I always greet each other by saying "hello hello heather".

You will also notice that there are John explanations on what the swear words are. Not too comfortable with writing them. Paul, I know I had them on here before, but I decided to delete them. I'm pretty sure you all can get the idea of what the are from the context, but if you are still confused, I am here to help.

So let's get started, I'm ready to be heard... (ok I'll stop)


"What in blazes is that?"- John Lennon, Beatles Cartoon Singalong

Apple bonker

"Did you suck the Beatles' apple bonkers last night?"- A question my friend always asks me, Paul, this is our life.

Blue meanie

This is one of the more complex swear words. Since there are multiple forms of this word, we have to use it differently. For example there's simply saying the word, and then there's calling someone another form of the word. There's a difference. In Beatlese, we have to word it differently. If the term is by itself, the word is whole. However, if the word is part of another compound word, it depends on whether or not it comes first. If it comes first, the "blue" part is used. If it comes second, "meanie" is used.

"I'm going to kick your blue meanie."

"You are a bluehole."

"He is a deccameanie."

*Decca is the Beatlese word for stupid/dumb.

This works for all other forms, but these are the basics so you understand how to use the whole word and when to break it up.


"She's a heather."


This word is one of the most used swear words, along with our next one. Brackets may mean one fiendish thingy, but it actually branches out a lot.

"I just took a massive brackets."

"You're a piece of brackets."

"Aw brackets."

"What the brackets?"

You see, brackets is a pol important word. We use it a lot here. So go ahead, scream it nice and loud, just like George. It also helps if you know how to roll your R's.


I just thought of this one after blanking for a while. I didn't know where to start, the word had to be used in multiple forms, so when I was randomly thinking about the song Apple Scruffs while I was getting ready, it became clear to me.

Enjoy my mom's examples from when I told her the word existed:

"Scruff you."

"Scruff off."

"What the scruff?"

"Go scruff yourself."

Mean Mr. Mustard

Credit to something I was reading for this, so I'll use the example:

"John can squirt his Mean Mr. Mustard all over me."

I think you understand.

Insults (John examples needed):
-Disgusting Middle Aged Squares

I may add more to this later.

This was the most fun chapter so far 😂

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