Simple Replacing Words

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Now that we all understand what Beatlese is, we will start by learning some simple words and easy ways to use them. Unlike some words we'll encounter later on, these do not require any context clues (most of the time).

Italicized phrases are examples on how to use the words.

Also keep in mind that me and my friend Caleb constantly invent new terms. Make sure to come check back because each chapter might have new terms.


"Paul, you look nice."

No= John

"John, I don't like you."

I don't care= George

"George about your problems."

I don't know= Ringo

"Ringo what time it is."

These four terms will be the ones used most often.

Ta= Thank you

"Ta for everything you have done."

Hazza= You're welcome

"Hazza for the present."

(My parents struggle the most with that one)

Lenny= Sorry

"Lenny for being mean to you."

Pol= Very

"He is pol mean."

Hello= Hello hello

Stuff/Things= Fiendish thingy

"That fiendish thingy is so weird."

Goodbye= Goodbye goodbye (can be said up to seven times)

Please= Please Please

"Could you please please help me?"

Good morning= Good morning good morning

Goodnight is a different story. Saying goodnight in Beatlese requires you to say any line from the song Good Night.

As of now, that's all I've got. Have fun, and get ready because we've just begun!

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