The Ta Incident: When to Use the Language

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This lesson is a major rule in the language, and a reminder on when it is acceptable to use it. Eventually, we will have a lesson of Beatlese rules.

To explain, I will tell you guys a story of the mistake in action. This is what we call "The Ta Incident".

One day, my parents and I were going out to eat. My mom was with us, which is kind of rare. Anyway, while we were there, my dad accidentally says "ta" to the waiter, and my mom was dying of laughter.

There are many circumstances in which you shouldn't be using the language, unless you want to confuse someone on purpose, and in that case, go right ahead.

Don't use the language if:
-you're in class/school
-you're in a restaurant and talking to a waiter/waitress
-you're in some kind of formal situation
-it legitimately gets you in trouble with people (I am not responsible for that)
-you're not a beatlemaniac (obviously)

This language is meant for hardcore Beatlemaniacs only, but must be spoken with caution. Mistakes happen when you first start, and even if you are experienced, they still occur every once in a while.

Use the languge if:
-you're by yourself
-you're with another who knows it
-you're in an informal situation where it would be fine to pull it out
-you want to confuse someone who doesn't know it

Proceed with caution on that last one, guys. It's fun, but you never know.

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