Chapter 6

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"Now what to do with you." The man said as he looked at the trembling brunette. He clicked his tongue and crouched down next to the brunette. "Oi. What's your name, bambino?"

The brunette nervously looked at the man in front of him. The man's breath hitched at the familiar face and orange-hued eyes.

"Tsuna?" The man said, disbelief clear in his voice.

The brunette blinked and tilted his head. "Ano...who's Tsuna?"

The man ignored the brunette's question. "Do you know who I am?"

The brunette boy shook his head.

"I see. Well." The man smirked making the brunette shiver. "My name is Renato Sinclair, but just call me Reborn."

"Are you a foreigner, Reborn-san?" The boy said innocently.

"Obviously." Reborn clicked his tongue. "What's your name?"

"My name is Sora Senju."

Reborn's eyebrows twitched at the meaning of the boy's name. "Sky huh? How ironic." He mumbled. "What were you doing here?"

"Um well, they said that they wanted to take me to Orochimaru because I'm a Senju."

Reborn narrowed his eyes at the surname. and then chuckled darkly "I see. Well then, in that case, I will tor-train you to be strong."

"Hieeee!!!" the brunette shouted.

Reborn's lips twitched when he heard the familiar shriek. Yep it's definitely Dame-Tsuna.


Few meters away on the mountains

"Ara ara it seems Decimo doesn't know who he exciting~ " The man overlooking the two said with an amused expression.

"The Sun Arcobaleno was the first to meet him huh? Just as expected of the Greatest Hitman In The World."

"It's funny how he's related to that man in this time..." Another voice joined in.

"Indeed~Can't wait to see you again, Vongola Decimo." The man chuckled darkly.



Wave Country

With Fon and Kyoya

"Hn herbivore" Kyoya said as he looked at the Fon, who was drinking his green tea.

"What is it, Kyoya?" Fon said.

"Hn. The fake herbivores are still fake herbivores, but they will stand a slight chance if they work together, which is highly unlikely with that pink fake herbivore who's less of a fake herbivore than the others. The raven fake herbivore will stand a chance, after all, he was trained by a certain former pint-sized carnivore." Fon smiled serenely at the insult to the annoyance of Kyoya. Kyoya's eyebrows twitched and continued on. "The blonde fake herbivore is like the omnivore's loud sun herbivore."

"And Kakashi?" Fon asked after running what the former demon perfect said through his unique 'Kyoya filter.'

"Hn. The fake one-eye carnivore was a disappointment even with the sharingan."

Fon's lips twitched. "So he used the sharingan, eh? I assume he's unconscious because of it."


"I see. Tell me...are you an Uchiha as well?" Fon said as he looked at Kyoya.

Kyoya narrowed his eyes. "Hn. Different one."

"I see. I know that I may not have the right to ask this, but what happened to your parents, Kyoya?"

Kyoya scowled. "You already know who and where they are carnivore." He growled.

Fon smirked. "That's true. After all, we're family."


"Well. Go and sleep, Kyoya. Tomorrow we have to go to the bridge." Fon hid his smirk behind his sleeve. "And something tells me you will get the chance to bite someone to death."

A familiar glint appeared in Kyoya's eyes as he smiled darkly.



Fon looked around where he was and frowned when he only saw darkness. Suddenly he heard a voice coming all around him.


Fon frowned. The only thing he could make out was that whoever this voice belonged to made a promise. To who it was a mystery to the martial artist.

Unknown to him, Reborn was having the same dream. However, his dream was slightly different from Fon's.

" life... time...reborn..."

The two gasped awake unnerved by the dream they had.


"Soon it will be time~"a voice said before chuckling darkly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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