Chapter 4

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Tazuna's House

Fon looked at the ravenette in front of him with his usual serene smile. "So how did you get here, Kyoya?"

"Hn, smiling carnivore. I woke up next to a fake herbivore in the cloud village. The fake herbivore wanted to take me to his herbivore village, but I bit him to death before he could. And then I heard there's someone who acted a lot like a particular pint-sized carnivore and so I decided to look for him. On my way to find you, I met a fake cow carnivore and a small animal. I joined their herbivore group for a while, biting people to death. Then I heard that the fake cow carnivore and the small animal were coming after a group of herbivore shinobi to kill an old herbivore who hired shinobi herbivores to protect him from the carnivores. I heard that someone called the Storm Dragon of the Uchiha Clan was in that herbivore group so I followed them and I managed to find you."

Fon ran that description through his unique Kyoya filter and then nodded. "I see, so that's what happened."

Everyone stared at the two, lost at what the former demon perfect had explained.

Fon looked at the others and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"A-Aniki did you even understand what he said?" Sasuke said skeptically.

Fon smiled serenely. "Of course. It is pretty easy to understand once you know Kyoya."

Easy? Yeah sure. Everyone thought as their eyebrows twitched.

"Hn, Smiling carnivore."

"Yes, Kyoya?" Fon said as he turned back his attention to the demon skylark.

Kyoya crossed his arms on his chest. "Have you seen the omnivore?"

Fon shook his head. "Sorry, Kyoya I haven't. I wasn't even aware that you were here. I thought I was alone."

Kyoya nodded slowly.

"Was anyone else with you Kyoya?"


"I see. Well, at least I have you here, Kyoya." Fon said while smiling.

Kyoya's eyes widened a little before looking away. "Hn."

"Fon-san. How do you know him?" Kakashi asked.

"That's a secret." Fon said while smiling serenely which pissed off Kakashi.

A tick mark appeared on Kakashi's temple. "Damn you!"

"I wonder if he is here too~ It would be entertaining if he was here." Fon said with a sadistic glint in his eyes,

Everyone shivered. Whoever he is thinking about is not good.

"Here you go Fon-san." Tsunami said as she placed the tea on the desk.

Fon looked at Tsunami and bowed a little. "Thank you, Tsunami-san."

Tsunami blushed slightly. "Y-You're welcome."

Tazuna's eyebrows twitched at the scene and glared at the former storm Arcobaleno. Fon ignored his glare and took a sip of the tea. He sighed. "This is delicious, Tsunami-san."

"I'm glad you like it." Tsunami said shyly.

Kakashi and Sasuke's eyebrows twitched. How does he do that?! He's not even aware he's flirting!

Fon looked at the hedgehog on the ravenette's head and smirked. "It seems you still have Roll with you Kyoya."

"Hn." Kyoya said. "Where's Lichi, smiling carnivore?"

Fon's smile strained. "I haven't seen him."

Kyoya frowned.

"Who's Lichi, aniki?" Sasuke said as he looked at Fon with a worried expression.

"He was my best friend." Fon said while smiling nostalgically.



With Zabuza and Haku

Zabuza slowly opened his eyes.

"You're awake, Zabuza-sama." Haku said as he looked at Zabuza.

"What happened, Haku?" Zabuza said as he slowly sat up and rubbed the spot where the tonfa hit him.

"Hibari-san knocked you out with his tonfa." Haku said.

Zabuza's eyebrows twitched. "THAT BRAT!!! Who does he think he is! Where is he now, Haku?"

"He left with the Konoha shinobi."

A tick mark appeared on Zabuza's temple. "Damn him!"

"What are you going to do Zabuza-sama? Now that the Storm Dragon of the Uchiha Clan and Kakashi of the sharingan have Hibari on their side it might be hard to fight."

Zabuza sighed and looked away. "I'll call in a favor."


"Kisame Hoshigaki."

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