Chapter 5

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Wave Country...

Outside Tazuna's House

"Alright, brats! Today I'm going to teach you tree walking." Kakashi said.

"But sensei we already know how to climb trees." Sakura said, confused.

"Not tree climbing tree walking. Now-" before Kakashi could finish, he was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder. A shiver crawled down his back. He slowly looked back and flinched when he saw Fon's expression.

"Kakashi-san don't tell me you're team doesn't know the basics of chakra control. Right?" Fon said sweetly with his usual serene smile on his face. "I mean you brought them to an A-Rank mission surely they know basics of chakra control such as tree walking, right?"

Kakashi sweated bullets. "Eheheh see....they sort of don't...." he mumbled nervously.

Fon's eyebrows twitched as his grip on the Jounin's shoulder tightened. "I should've known someone like you wouldn't train them instead prefer reading those disgusting books."

As much as Kakashi wanted to deny the books weren't disgusting, he didn't because the serene expression of the Uchiha Clan Head was scaring him. "I-I can explain."

"Hn. Kyoya." Fon said as he looked at the former Demon Perfect.

"Hn smiling carnivore? (What is it smiling carnivore?)" Kyoya said while smirking as he was leaning against the tree.

"I want you to tor-train them to at least stand a chance against a fake carnivore or omnivore."

He said torture didn't he?! Kakashi and his Genins thought.

Kyoya's smirk widened and turned bloodthirsty. "Hn." He said as he took out his tonfa. The three genins looked towards the former demon perfect and flinched when they saw the familiar purple flame appear around the tonfa.

We're so dead! They thought.

"Hn. For being weaker than herbivores, I'll bite you to death fake herbivores." Kyoya said as a familiar glint appeared in his eyes.

A shiver went down the genins, and Kakashi's spine as the former demon perfect lunged at them.

Fon calmly sat down and took a sip from his favorite tea all the while smiling serenely.


"AHHHHH!!!!!" Screams of agony were heard a second later.

"Fon-san/aniki!!!! Stop him!" The three genins shouted as they barely dodged the tonfa.

"Did you say something?" Fon said as he continued sipping his tea calmly.

"At least stop him from coming after me!" Kakashi shouted this time.

"Hn, it's good tor-teaching for you as well Kakashi-san. You have been slacking while I wasn't here so it's only fair you'd be included in the tor-training with Kyoya." Fon said while smiling serenely; however, a sadistic glint was in his eyes.

Kakashi's eyes twitched as he barely dodged a hit from the ravenette's tonfa.

"How is this related to tree walking?!"

"You'll know soon." Fon said.

"Fake herbivore stop dodging!" Kyoya growled.

"Kyoya." Fon called out.

"Hn Smiling carnivore? (What is it smiling carnivore?)"

"How about you increase the difficulty?" Fon said while smiling sadistically. Sending shivers down team seven's spines.

Oh no. Aniki has gone sadist mode. Sasuke thought in horror.

Kyoya smirked darkly. "Hn. Roll." A small purple hedgehog with silver spikes appeared on Kyoya's hand.

What is he going to do with that innocent hedgehog? team seven thought.

Fon's lips twitched when they thought the hedgehog was an innocent animal.

"Cambia Forma." Kyoya continued.

Why do I have a bad feeling? Team seven thought as they saw the ravenette's appearance change as well as the hedgehog disappearing.

Fon smiled darkly. "Now the true tor-training begins."



Near Konohagakure

Two Grass-nin stood around a brunette kid who was trembling in fear.

"Stop being a nuisance and come with us already! Orochimaru-dono needs you!" The Grass-nin shouted as he took out his sword.

Before they could hurt the kid, they were punched in the face.

"Gah!" The two grass-nin shouted in pain.

"Oi, I was sleeping here, bastardo!" A deep threatening accented voice growled.

The last thing the two grass ninja saw was a green lizard and a foreign-looking man wearing a fedora with a yellow band, holding an unknown weapon in his hand and then a loud sound of a bang.

The man clicked his tongue and looked at the trembling brunette. "Now what to do with you."

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