Chapter 1-Rogues and Escape part 1

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Kratos p.o.v
Three years later

"Raaauughh!" Three years of rotting, three years of being tested and brought to the brink of death time and time again. I lay in my bed and try and sleep as the nightmares of that night of plotting my escape turned into salvation and freedom for the ones that would come to be known as my army, my rogues, my new family.

"What do you baboons mean he's gone!?"Einstein yelled into the telecom of the citadel"-I don't care what you have to do, find him and bring him to me alive!?". I'm now watching and waiting for a moment to strike as two guards are guarding a steel door, I hear voices and cries for help, this angers my wolf and me, but I hold back the growl in my throat to not give away my hiding spot. At the first sign of distraction I leap off the ledge and crush the two guards with just my hands and feet as bones crack and break, I look up and see the steel door before me and I look at a slot and see that it needs a card conformation clearance to enter inside and so I look at the broken guard's bodies and search for the card and find in the back pocket of the one that somehow was able to keep his back pocket intact. I take the card and swipe into the card confirmation board and the small light turns green and the steel door slides up to open and what I see in front of me has me shocked beyond words and the growl in my throat sounds like an act of vengeance and has my wolf wanting the "good doctor" dead at my feet. 

I walk into the now open chamber and I see other Lycans standing behind silver adamantium cells and I walk to each one and unlock them with a key that I found conveniently sitting on a work desk. The prisoners look at me and the one that looks to be of beta rank steps forward, dark sand brown hair and light blue eyes, jeans and a black rock T-shirt as I stand in Black combat pants and a black  T-shirt that I had found on a guard that I had left unconscious on my way through the citadel and finding more prisoners. The Beta looks at me"you're not one of the guards, who are you?"I look back at him"my name is Kratos, son of Alpha Stephan. Who are you?" He smiles at me and sticks his hand out"names Rex, nice to meet you Kratos"I grab his wrist as he grabs mine and we shake wrists and I nod"I'm plotting an escape, will you help me?" he nods"of course, after all, you did free us from our cells." He turns to the other men and women" brothers, sisters, by the will of the moon goddess she has given us our savior, now we must ensure our freedom!" the other Lycans cheer and pump their fists up"Raaaugh!!"I turn to the open steel door"follow my lead and freedom will be yours shortly my brothers and sisters, the guards are yours to satisfy yourselves with. The good mine." I unlocked each prison cell door as I walked down the hall until I got to the last cell door and handed the cell key to Rex while the rest of the Lycan's with Rex headed toward the exit, I slowly turned the opposite way looking down the hall toward where I could feel the doctor's fear and eagerly walked in that direction. 

My Wolf growled in joy as I walked toward the doctors' office door down the hall as guards rounded the corner with guns raised and pointed at me, I could see the doctor through the glass, I stopped and stood in the open wide hallway while the men in front of me held their guns until the doctor stepped out of his office wearing his long white coat and dress shoes. " you will get back in your cells or die without mercy" I growled and stood my ground" you won't get past me doctor and ill make sure your screaming when I kill you" The doctor laughed and smiled in victory not realizing that I already had a plan in mind. I started a small sprint running up toward the first guard and threw him against a neighboring wall and as the doctor stepped back in shock I charged him and leaped over the small barricade meant to keep him safe and grabbed him by his throat, raising him in the air as his other bodyguards panicked in a frenzy as they whipped around and aimed their guns at me ready to fire.

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