Prologue-The Beginning Part 1

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Kratos p.o.v

As I walk out of my room and to the door, I go to see my dad in his office. I get to the big brown double doors with his name gold plated at the top ledge of the door"Stephan" and I knock twice, he answers"come in". I come into his office and walk over to the seat in front of his desk"hey dad whats sup?" He looks up from his laptop that he's working on and smiles at me"hey son what are you up to?" I look at him and shrug"nothin much, just wondering if I could go for a walk" he smiles and nods" of course but I want you to be careful and be very cautious of the dark lands"I nod in understanding"sure thing dad" I get up and walk out his office and I go outside and run in human form, see the thing about me is I'm a Lycan half breed. Meaning I can change into a Lycan or a werewolf at will, I'm 6'0foot, dark brown eyes, black hair, and a wolf tattoo with a red eye on my left shoulder.

 As I'm running in my human form, my wolf burns with the anticipation to be let out inside my mind"let me out, I wanna run now" he groans and paces back and forth in my head and I nod and jump into the air shift in mid-air into my midnight black wolf and land on my four paws and let my wolf take over and I take off into the forest dodging and jumping over logs and fallen trees. As I keep running, my senses pick up instantly and my wolf and I feel something wrong in the air and stop only to be ambushed by four humans with swords, guns, and crossbows on their backs, and waist sides. Now with four guys surrounding me, you'd think id panic right? Wrong, I growl loudly enough that tree leaves shake off their branches. The four men then walk around and study me, then two from behind me take out their guns and aim them at me. I wolf grin and my wolf chuckles in my mind and I smile along with him"ready"? "Oh yeah, I'm ready, time to knock some heads and break skulls". Silence settles over the forest, the two in front of me back away slightly and the two from behind run at me and I turn with lightning-fast speed and pounces on one ripping his arm off as he tries to aim his gun at me, the second one shoots and nails a bullet at my hind leg as I rip the first shooter apart...bone by bone, after I eat the first shooter alive I look menacingly at the one who shot me and my wolfs red eyes shroud over my already fading brown ones and I pounce on the other shooter and bites his head off and shakes his head side to side as it's in my massive jaws. The other two men from in front of me now surround me and both take-out darts and shoot two small needles at me and I felt the darkness consume me into unconsciousness.


Kratos P.O.V

I'm not sure how many hours had passed by before I caught the smell of medical antiseptic and other scents that had my wolf growling and making me even madder as I could feel my body being dragged across a slick floor with my bare feet meeting the ground as two guards were holding both sides of my arms. I knew one thing was for certain, I definitely wasn't in my father's pack territory anymore and I was all alone by myself.

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