Chapter 10- Finally It's Over

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"Turn off your fucking headlights I can't see a thing and I'm tied to this chair." said Zack.

"Oh sorry!" said one of the people, as they went back into the car and shut the lights. Zack's face lit up when he realized Sophia, Ryan, and Liv were the ones in the car.

"Oh my god you guys found us! How?!" exclaimed Zack.

"Well, we had some help," said Ryan, as Zack's mom Christine got out of the car.
"Mom! The trackers! They actually did something important!" said Zack, who could see the tracking device in his mom's hand. I still have no clue how police equipment works. I honestly don't even know where the trackers were placed on everyone. Maybe they were up their asses. Ryan and Sophia untied Zack from his chair and Liv helped him into the car. He tried to walk himself, but he was too badly beaten by Ana that he needed someone to assist him. "Wait, how did you guys even meet up though? Last time Christine was seen in this story she was hiding in the bathroom stall from Ana while you three had already left." said Zack.

"Like it was mentioned earlier tonight, just ignore the plot holes and enjoy the story for what it is." said Liv.

"Ok." agreed Zack. As Zack got into the back of the car, he noticed it looked different from most backseats he'd been in. The most obvious difference was the black metal bars blocking the back seats from the front. "Hey guys what kind of car even is this? It looks really weird." stated Zack. Before anyone replied, Christine slammed the door shut and pulled out Mike's old police badge.
"There's a new sheriff in town, and her name is Christine." said Chris. Zack tried to read her lips, but couldn't figure out what she was trying to say through the closed door.

"I can't hear you the windows are up." said Zack from inside the car. Christine opened the door.

"What?" said Chris. "I couldn't hear you the windows were up."

"That's what I said." said Zack.

"Oh. Oops! Well, basically you're under arrest for hiring a serial killer to kill your sister. We may have not wanted you to die, but we still believe in justice. There's a whole squad here taking in Lauren, Michael, and Erin as well. Maggie's dead, and Ana's going to need an ambulance. But you're all under arrest. Don't do the crime if you can't do the crime." said Christine. Meanwhile, Erin, Lauren, and Michael were all shocked to be greeted by police officers ready to arrest them along with Zack. This would totally be done in some sort of montage kind of way, as some upbeat eighties pop song played over it all. Erin pleaded with the officer, begging him not to arrest her. She was eventually thrown into the back of the car. Sarah watched as Erin was forcibly put into the car in utter shock that Erin was getting arrested. Lauren complied without hesitation and got into the car herself, she knew she had aided in the murder of innocent people. She knew she now had to pay the price. Michael was pissed they wouldn't accept his gold card that he got from his dad.

"Holy shit, a story ending with actual repercussions! Not to talk about the plot holes again but there were just so many in this story! The whole thing about us being dark web criminals couldn't have been overlooked? We had to go through with that?!" said Zack.

"Sorry Zack!" said Ryan, as Chris slammed the door shut once more. An ambulance eventually pulled into the barn, took Ana, and she was quickly raced off to the nearest hospital. "So how are we getting home? I'm assuming you're taking Zack to the police station but you were kind of our ride so..." continued Ryan

"No worries! Now that I'm a police officer I can all in emergency helicopters to come pick you guys up! They're supposed to be for the FBI only and specifically for just emergencies, but three girls alone in a sketchy barn where some girl was killed at night sounds like an emergency if I've ever heard of one!" said Chris. Chris called a helicopter and soon Liv, Ryan, and Sophia were flying back to their houses. Again, I have no clue how police stuff works. However, my mom is one now and she will be in the sequel because I feel like that could be a funny little thing that happens. My mom would make for a terrible cop.

"Thanks Mrs. Fiorillio!" called out Liv from the helicopter.

"Alright Mr. Criminal. It's time to pay for what you did." said Chris to Zack.

"Mom please don't arrest me." said Zack.

"Too late!" said Chris. Once everything was in order, she signalled to the other cars she was ready to go and drove out of the barn. Chris and Zack drove off into the night with the three other police cars holding Erin, Michael, and Lauren following close behind her. The sirens whooped as the flashing lights lit up the sky blue and red.

If this was a movie, the camera would follow the car out of the barn and like, get a shot of the other cars driving out to follow the one in front. Then it would zoom out even more but still show the police cars driving away from the barn and then eventually pan upwards towards the sky as "Who Could It Be Now" by Men at Work played and the credits began to roll. That would be pretty sick.

The End

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