Chapter 2- Whomst Done It

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Chapter 2- Whomst Dun It

"Alright idiots, here's the deal, someone's trying to kill us and we're all grouped together here waiting for them to come slaughter us all at once," said Zack. "Either that or they're out there right now killing other people instead of us. Either way, I don't know about you all, but I think this is a really stupid idea."

"You may think it's stupid, but I think it's smart. We're all together safely guarded. No one's going to be able to reach us." explained Liv.

"I agree with Zack. This seems like a bad idea. It feels like a trap." said Amanda.

"See? Amanda gets it." said Zack.

"If it was a trap we'd already be dead. The killer clearly likes to have fun with their murders. I don't think they'd be into a whole 'nine in one' sort of situation." said Sarah.

"All I'm saying is I feel like we're doing their work for them. We gathered ourselves all together in a locked room basically waiting to be killed. We should be like, actually hiding, or fighting back!" said Zack.

"I just think you're mad because now you can't kill anyone tonight." said Sophia. Everyone froze and stared at Soph in shock.

"Excuse me?" snapped Zack, breaking the awkward silence.

"You heard me." Zack gave Sophia a nasty look before responding.

"I'm not the killer. I don't know why everyone thinks I am. It literally makes no sense, I would never kill Paige." said Zack. "You're literally all so dumb!"

"I mean, you did seem pretty annoyed with her and Connor the other day. Remember? You were texting us about how annoying they both were and how they're always asking for rides and are always just sitting around your house and shit?" said Michael.

"So I killed them because of that?" retorted Zack.

"You could have." said Michael.

"I didn't kill anyone!" snapped Zack. Silence fell over the room creating a tension you could cut like a knife. "I seriously can't believe you of all people, Michael, are accusing me of all of this." After a moment of no one saying anything, Sarah finally broke the silence.

"I think Sophia and Michael's point is everyone has a motive. We're all capable of this, they're just projecting." explained Sarah.

"You're right Sarah, we do all have a motive. Even you. Weird that you arrived at Amanda's house just as the killer mysteriously vanished without killing Amanda first." said Zack.

"I'm literally trying to help you Zack. And that makes no sense, Amanda saw the killer through the door run away when they heard me." said Sarah.

"And we should trust you two why? You could be working together. You'd have a motive, our whole past with Olivia and shit." said Zack. "I'll be the first to admit, me and Paige weren't the nicest to you during all that, now you're taking revenge by killing us and our friends." Zack and Sarah did have a rocky past because of like, this whole thing that I can't explain in this story because then I'd be accused of cyberbullying or some stupid shit. Point is, there's a motive.

"Why would I kill my sister?" asked Amanda.

"I'm not saying you did, I'm saying Sarah did." said Zack. "You acted innocent to cover it up. We don't know you guys that well, maybe you had some weird family history."

"Ok everyone stop this is ridiculous, no one here is the murderer." interejected Julia, after remaining silent for the duration of the conversation. She didn't want to involve herself in the awful situation anymore than she already was, but listening to everyone argue was obnoxious. "We get it, we all have a motive. Who knows? Maybe it's me! You guys treat my house and parents like trash and always expect to get away with it. Maybe I've had enough and snapped!" Julia was right, anytime the group wanted to have a party they would instantly go to Julia's house and trash the place for the night.

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