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Y/n POV: 

Why did Jason looked hurt? That question was on my mind all the time during dinner. I talked with the whole family and we shared our fav moments together, it felt like there was never I time I did not talk to them. Jason didn't say much, he was deep in his thoughts. I wonder what he was thinking about. After dinner Joe and I got upstairs to finish our project.

It soon started to get dark outside, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:30 PM already. 

'Hey uhm I think I should go home Joe.' I said

'O uhm yeah, it is starting to get dark out and I do not want you to be kidnapped.' He said laughing

We got downstairs and I got my shoes and jacket on. 

'BYE JASON' I shouted, but I got no reponse back. That made me kinda sad, I don't know why.

I said goodbye to Joe as we started walking to the front door. When we looked through the window we couldn't even see what was happening outside. Mrs. Waud came up to us and said. 

'There is no way that you guys are going to go outside. Not with this weather. Y/n you can stay over, it is not a problem.' I thanked her and got out of my jacket and shoes again. Joe already got to the sofa when I heard some on running down the stairs.

'Y/n you can not go outside!' Jason said

'Why do you care for me all of a sudden?' I replied, his cheeks got a little red

'You know what... uh whatever' He quickly walked away. What was that for?

I got to the sofa as well and we started to watch a movie. After a while the movie got cut of by the news.

'There is a tornado on it's way, everybody hide behind big heavy objects and DON'T GO OUTSIDE!' 

After I heard that I started to panic. I had never seen a tornado before and I've never been in a situation like this. Joe grabbed my hand and took me to their cellar. Jason soonly followed with all the pets, now eeveryone was downstairs. I sat down on a bench and zoned out. What now, are our houses gonna get destroyed? Joe got to his parents and talked to them. While he was gone I saw Jason crying. I walked over to him.

'Hey, what's wrong?'

'Nothing I'm okay' He said angry. It hurts. I just walked away crying. 

- Part 5 for you guys, Thank you for reading!! -

𝙷𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 - 𝙹𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚞𝚍 -Where stories live. Discover now