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Y/n POV:

Joe and I got inside and took place in his room.

'Wow your room hasn't changed at all haha' I laughed

'Yeah haha' We worked on our project for about two hours when his mom came up to his room. 

'Hey Y/n do you want to stay for dinner?'

'If that is okay with you guys, then I'd love to' She got out and Joe and I took a break from working on our project. We talked and had fun watching our childhood photo's. I had lots of fun, but it also hurted knowing that they had left me two years ago. After a little while I got a phone call. 

BROOKE: heeyy

Y/N: Helllloo bestiieeee

BROOKE: What r u doin?

Y/N: I'm working on a project with Joe.

BROOKE: oh (she sounded dissapointed)

Y/N: Relax I am not gonna steal your mans hun haha

BROOKE: O okay haha well I got to go, Love you bebe

Y/N: Bye love you 2

 I hang up and saw Jason on the stairs, looking hurt. Wow I didn't know the guy had feelings.


At school:

When I saw Joe and Y/n together I got mad at Joe but also jealous at the same time. I pushed the thought of being jealous away and got to my next classes. After school I went to my locker. Let's see who I will f*ck tonight, Ella maybe, or Sophia, maybe Charlott. They all didn't seem good enough. The only girl on my mind was Y/n. I went home and saw Joe and Y/n having fun together, again that feeling of jealousy. I walked up to my room and lay down I grabbed my phone and started to play some games. After a while I heard my mom coming up the stairs asking if Y/n would join dinner. She said yes, after another ten minutes I got out of my room and walked downstairs. I heard Y/n talking to someone on the phone. 

'hun haha' she said, the person on the phone said something and then she said 'bye love you 2'

She has a boyfriend? I felt jealous, broken and I do not know why. Y/n saw me standing at the stairs and looked into my eyes. I quickly got down and sat at the dining table. 

What is she doing with me?

- Part 4, I hope you liked it! -

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