Go Home

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I walked to the other side of the car and got in.

"Are you guys following me?" I asked waiting for them to lie

"No why would we follow you?" Bryana asked

"Stop fucking lying and go home now." I said getting out the car and going to my car. Veronica pulled the gas pump out  my car and hanging it up before getting in the car. I turned back to look at my mates to see them just staring at me. I frowned and pointed towards the exit. I clenched my jaw and got in my car. I cranked it up.

"You know them?" Veronica asked

"Girlfriends." I responded with a frown driving to the exit. I sped up and got off the ramp. I didn't see them in my rear view mirror so I just drove. Maybe not at the appropriate  speed but who care. I drove throughout the night only taking breaks when I had to use the bathroom. Veronica slept most of the way or she was on the phone with her boyfriend. I pulled up to the hotel and let out a sigh.

"I would've drove but you wouldn't let me." Veronica said laughing

"Viper shut up." I said getting out the car. I looked to my right and frown. These motherfuckers followed me all the way here. "I'll go get our key cards." I said before walking towards the office. I sighed opening the door.

"Killer your here are you and Viper room keys." I smiled at the receptionist he always came to watch me fight. An obsession I guess. I grabbed our keys.

"Thanks Paul can you give me another room?" I asked

"Why I th-" I cut Paul off

"My wife and her sisters came so I wanted to get them a room." I paused "One room if that's possible." Paul bit his lip before saying

"For you anything should I give you a key?" Paul asked

"That'll be great don't tell them I have the key just say your room is ready and paid for." I said handing him a hundred dollar bill.

"Okay he-" I cut off Paul

"Keep it and thank you." I said grabbing my key for my mates room. I walked out and went to my car which Veronica was leaning on. I popped my trunk.

"Same room?" Veronica asked grabbing her bags.

"Yup." I responded grabbing my bag and closing my trunk. I followed Veronica up to flight of stairs  then down a hallway to the elevator. I pressed ten with foot laughing because I end up pressing like five numbers in the process.

"Your feet game to weak." Veronica said making me glare at her.

"Is not?" I whined

"You pressed like five numbers just for one." Veronica said I chuckled

"Okay maybe just a little." I said Veronica just rolled her eyes. It got quite until the elevator dinged.

"I'm going straight to sleep when we get in there." Veronica whined. I chuckled.

"I'm going to be making some phone calls so I'm most likely going to go to my car." I said to  Veronica who just nodded. I rolled my eyes before sliding my key in the door and stepping to the side letting Veronica in then I followed suit. I tossed my bag on the bed and sighed. Veronica basically threw herself on the bed and let out a long sigh.

"Where's my key?" Veronica mumbled in the pillow. I went in my front pocket grabbing Veornica's key and tossing it to her. "Thanks." Veronica said

"Welcome and I'll be back." I said grabbing my key to this room and my mates room. I looked at the card and smirked. Their room was next door. I rushed over there so they wouldn't catch me going in. I went in the bathroom and waited until the door open.

"Do you think she'll know we followed her?" Bryana asked

"She had to know because who else knew we were coming up here." Tanya responded

"Well I did call a hotel so they could've known." Megan said

"Okay but you two know she'll be beyond piss once she knows w-" I opened the door to the bathroom leaning against the door frame.

"Oh I am." I said frowning.

"Bab-" I cut off Megan

"NO! I TOLD YOU THREE TO GO HOME NOT FOLLOW!" I yelled. At first I was excited then I just became mad because they just didn't listen. They whimpered looking down. Bryana wasn't whimpering she just was looking down. " I trust you three why can't you trust me?" I asked in a whisper tears threatening to escape my eyes.

"No! Ash we trust you its just....."Bryana dragged

"Your so secretive we just wanted to know." Tanya said looking up at me. I sighed.

"That's because I have to be. I don't want you three hurt." I said slowly walking towards them.

"If you don't want us hurt then what do you do?" Megan asked in a very slick way. I sighed

"Promise you won't get mad." I stated before anybody could say anything else.

"Promise." All three of them said way to quickly.

"I fight a-" Tanya was the first to break

"YOU COULD GET HURT!" Tanya yelled I frowned

"This is exactly why I didn't say anything." I stated

"How bad do you usually get hurt?" Megan asked I flinched at that question because I had some pretty bad accidents.

"I usual end up in the hospital." I stated

"If you really like this Ash then we'll support you all the way." Bryana said trying to step closer to me. I stepped back and said

"I'm still mad." I said stubbornly

"You know you can't stay mad at us." Megan said pushing me towards the bed. I fell back before sitting up and watching Megan climb on my lap. I licked my lips before our lips collided with each other, I sighed in the kiss. Megan somehow took off my shirt because I felt a the air speed past my body.

"Megan." I whispered when she pulled back before sucking on my neck.

AN:// Not the reaction you were expecting. I actually wonder what's going to happen. Your thought's please. So another friend died but this time it was weird.   I decided I was going to enter Freedom in the watty's award even if I don't win it'll still be fun. You know what I did. Vote for me pleasre. I'M Out For me)

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