Chapter 9

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The moon had risen with the blood of the fallen. Fog crept in on little cat's feet, smothering the sky.

With a mew of confusion, Lostpaw stumbled into consciousness

Her claws were full of blood and fur scenting of all four Clans. Brambles surrounded her, harsh thorns wounded into her fur, but she was so exhausted and frightened she felt numb. Then, peeking out, she saw the silhouettes of tens or hundreds of cats lying on the ground. Some trailed out of the Gathering island trying to carry their loved, and now, dead ones. But most weren't moving at all

Her gaze blurred with sadness as she saw a strong, little, and very fluffy apprentice over his fallen littermate. She got up. "T-T-Thunderbutt..."

"Lostpawth?" Her friends mew was muffled for his nose was buried in Dustpaw's fur, and choked with emotion. "....Please just leave me alone. I... I need time to think."

Lostpaw took a step forward. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I... I didn't mean to kill him I just... got mad."

"Yeah. Mad." Thunderpaw whispered. "Mad enough to kill my brother."

"Thunderpaw, I... I swear I..." Lostpaw began to cry, feeling the knowledge of her consequences now that she killed her own Clanmate washed over her. "Are you going to tell?"

Thunderpaw stood up. "I... I don't know, okay?!" He roared, then fell silent. "Oh, Lostitypaw. Why?"

"Thunderbutt, I don't even know anymore." She stared at her mangled paw. A storm of rage began to brew at herself, fate, and just everything. 

"I hate you, Lostpaw. How could you do this?''

But I love you. Lostpaw turned away, depression crashing like waves upon her and only her. 

What's wrong with me? Haven't I already done enough stupid crap in my life?

"I'm sorry Lostpaw. I shouldn't have said that, I don't hate you. It's just.. what will ShadowClan do?"

"What will we do, you mean? I... I guess bury some of the dead warriors. And...and Dustpaw."

"No, Lostpaw." His voice was hollow and soft, and continued.

"Wolfstar, Serpenttail, Cloverlark, Tumblefoot, Dashblaze, Bumbletail, Frozenfall, Cedarcry, Rosemaryflight, Rainpelt, Berrycloud, Fishshadow, Aquafrost, both elders, Frostedpaw, a-and Stagpaw. And... a-and my mom Sp-Splashstream...They're all d-d-d-dead."

Lostpaw stared at him, "It can't be!" she whispered, "Our leader, deputy, medicine cat, and most of ShadowClan is... dead, then."


There was a deathly silence that enclosed both cats thinking about their Clanmates. A single hoot from an owl shattered the musky night.

"Where're the others then?"

"Camp. I... I stayed here to grieve, and wait for you. Mintpaw I think is trying to take care of the hurt..."

Lostpaw thought of a Thunderpaw-obsessed, half-trained Mintpaw spitting green globs on everyone, for the first time feeling sorry for her. 

Thunderpaw glared at Lostpaw, like he'd never done before. I'm sorry...

"Thunderbutt?" Lostpaw stepped forward and half-heartedly twined her tail with his fluffy one.

"Come on, Goody-One-paw," Thunderpaw sighed. "We're going home."

- +-+-+-+-

When they got back to camp, it was a complete and total ruckus.

The remaining cats in the Clan, Mintpaw, Tanglemeadow, Frozendrop, Parrotfur, Lightyowl, Heatherfrost, Berrycloud, Thrushpaw, Fawnpaw, and Raggedfang shuffled around a bit cluelessly, all numb with grief. (except for Fawnpaw, who course didn't give a dirt about anything.) 

The mood was suddenly stabbed by an unmistakable hissing sort of yowl. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath Tall Pine for a Clan meeting!"

"Who died and made you leader?" Fawnpaw sneered. Raggedfang looked murderous.

"Mind you, half the cats in the Clan did!" Tanglemeadow hissed, saving Raggedfang. "And she's just calling a meeting. Have some respect."

Raggedfang fixed them both with a glare. "I think I can handle an apprentice." She hissed quietly. "Now." Lostpaw's mentor continued, "We must appoint...a new leader, and deputy."

"Must we now?" Tanglemeadow mewed gently, staring at Raggedfang. He's so nice to her... WHY?!

Raggedfang rose to her paws. "Do you want the other Clans think us weak? Especially ThunderClan! They would think we sunk to their level..."

"Of course we don't!" The whole of ShadowClan erupted into yowls of agreement.

"Then let us vote on a new leader," Raggedfang continued triumphantly,  "and the runner-up will be deputy. Kits can not vote," (here Rushingkit and Rabbitkit, who'd snuck out of the nursery, yowled) "Only warriors, can vote and become leaders, and apprentices can only vote." 

The final score, to Lostpaw's complete, total, and utter disagreement was: Raggedfang: 4; Tanglemeadow: 3; Heatherfrost: 2; Berrycloud: 1; and Lightyowl: 1.

Raggedfang smirked. ''Well, it is decided. I am Raggedstar, leader of ShadowClan. Tanglemeadow, is now deputy. Congrats, mousebrain." She sneered at the tom.

Lostpaw leaped to her paws, challenging her "What about your nine lives?"

"Silence! Don't you dare interrupt me!" Raggedfang/ Raggedstar lunged at her apprentice, claws unsheathed. 

Lostpaw reared up, but to both enraged cat's sudden dismay, Thunderpaw and Thrushpaw pulled both the cats back. "There will be no need for that behavior!" Tanglemeadow yowled to the two cats.

But he continued. "Lostpaw does have a point. It would be going against our ancestors to call you Raggedstar without your lives."

"Silence, deputy! " Raggedfang hissed swiftly. "There is no StarClan. Think! We haven't seen an omen or prophecy at all, and no cat has reported of dreams of visions from our so-called ancestors. StarClan could've stopped StormClan. We would do better forget them, for they have obviously forgotten us."

Lostpaw huffed an soft "Amen to that." and several other cats murmured agreement. 

"Very well. And with that our ceremonies will change as well, of course, for StarClan doesn't shine it's precious lights on ShadowClan." Raggedstar sneered slightly. ''Now let's begin the patrols. I'll take Lostpaw and Fawnpaw, Mintpaw, follow us and collect some herbs, I dunno, Thunderpaw and Thrushpaw with Tumblefoot, and Heatherfrost. That'll be all.

Just as cruel as I thought. Lostpaw sighed, as Fawnpaw began to bound up to Lostpaw and jeer.

But at that very moment in late leaf-fall, a silent snow exploded out of cloud and hurled down. Lostpaw didn't know it yet, but a whole new and shadowed path began to twist her destiny.

And her insanity would truly begin.



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