Chapter 19

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A/N: 200 votes on this! Yeeeeeee! and almost 4k freaking READS LIKE WHAT :D
"Losthope? in there?"
The broken she-cat's black tipped and battle torn ears swiveled at the warm meow.
"H-Heatherfrost," whispered Losthope as her ragged breath was buffeted out of her at the kind one's embrace. "You're not supposed to be in here..are you..."
Losthope could feel the curl of a sad smile and a thin, soft laugh. "Don't say that."
The warrior's gorgeous, dark silky pelt was ruffled from the dawn's breath and her icen gaze squinted as she held the other, ragged-pelted warrior against her.
A little scuffle of leafcrumble decorated the nursery air with a chilly lace. "I know what I am.." The ginger she-cat mewed, breaking the moment with a turn of her back. "I'm a-a-"
Heatherfrost's tail found the tiny cat's spine and ran down it soothingly."An amazing cat who doesn't deserve th-"
"Y-yes I do! I'm a-"
"You're a-
"Monster," hissed Losthope. "and you know it."
There was a heartbeat of silence before Heatherfrost placed a paw forward, reaching out her muzzle to lick the silent she-cat's ears. "Cut it out. You aren't."
"I was banished, wasn't I? I-I..." Losthope's hoarse mew cracked. "I k-killed a Clanmate. A-and I-I-I had kept...kept it a secret!"
The shadow-furred she-cat was silent.
"And I'm being kicked out of m-my home, yeah?"
Heatherfrost nodded slowly, not meeting Losthope's desperate sunlight pools of eyes.
"Sh-ShadowCl-..." Losthope whispered. "ShadowClan is my home!"
"I know. Tanglestar said y-you..." She gazed up. No words were necessary. Losthope's shredded heart sank more.
"Heatherfrost," meowed Losthope carefully after many a moment. "M-my kits..."
"They're safe," A hint of question noted the answer from the she-cat.
"No I mean... Since I've been...b-been.. exiled." Losthope winced at 'exiled'. "What'll happen to them? I-Iriskit is going to be terrified for the rest of her life-a-nd Pantherkit oh gosh she hates Thunderb-their father as much as I do maybe more a-and I don't know about Dustkit b-b-ut~"
"Don't you think I know that already!" Heatherfrost's ears flicked in irritation, but her voice was kind. Kind as always. "Anyways, their path is to be chosen in a few whisks of a tail, once the Clan gets back from patrolling.."
Losthope let out a weak, whispy breath. All of the Clan liked her kits. Who couldn't?
Oh. Thunderblaze.
Losthope, tilting her head toward the den exit, could interpret muffled yowls and arguments of some of the older cats, such as Tanglestar, and..
Oh. Thunderblaze.
The jet-furred beauty's attempts to comfort Losthope subsided, and with a touch of inken tail on the rowan cat's shoulder blades, they left the somewhat-refuge of the nursery. Silent were Losthope's and Heatherfrost's steps, yet everyone, even those who'd just entered camp from patrols, eyes fell upon the two.
"Mom!" A kit's call..'Iriskit, must be.'...resonated in the clearing and for a heartbeat, the mother almost actually smiled.
"Lost..hope..." murmured Tanglestar. It wasn't creepy or anything, yet a shiver snuck its toes along her spine. He was just calling her quietly, or whatever until Thundeblaze butted in-
"Lost...hope. Suits her, eh?" He muttered into the leaders ear venomously, capturing the spoken of she-cat out of the corner of his glance.
"Nah," a three-footed warrior stepped forward, dipping her head respectfully to her leader. "Sorry, am I late? I heard there was a meeting..."
Where Losthope had found the courage for..that..was beyond her.
The leader's reply was silken smooth, honey like his even gaze which held Losthope's sharp yellow one. "Right on time," he meowed, then cried across the clearing "all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath Tall Rock to hear my words!"
The dark gingerfur lifted her chin, on thrice tiptoes and on a prayer of safety for her kin, skimmed the unmassly mass of cat for kit. There! Her fluffs of gray, tabby and dark were gathered by a paintbrush-golden tail. Parrotfur's bright, perky face was crosshatched with an unmistakeable anxiety that one couldn't just tuck away and hide behind a smile. The cutie she was, she, who'd probably slept as much as Losthope had, looked terribly depleted.
"Let's begin."
A/N just gonna end the chapter here even though I planned on having oodles more but it's been like two months since an update so ah... Forgive me my precious children

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