Chapter 8

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"StormClan, ATTACK!!!!!"

Like a great tsunami, the yowls and unsheathed claws roared, perfectly capturing the surprised Clans that scrambled up, barely deflecting the cats who threw themselves into battle.

"Thunderpaw!" Lostpaw wailed like a kit as her awkward friend was buried in the destruction of the so-called StormClan. "Get behind me!"

She dodged to shield Pantherpaw against a brindle-pelted weirdo from ThunderClan barrelling toward the she-cat. "Thanks." Pantherpaw huffed and the cats fought the war together.

More cats had funneled into the island from the Clans, to help. Or to fight. Lostpaw thought grimly.

A ThunderClan and RiverClan cat both lurched in to attack Pantherpaw and Lostpaw.

"Say good-bye, cripple!"

Lostpaw threw off both warriors with such explosive force they sailed straight into a tree, falling unconscious to the earth. "Good-bye!" she snickered.

Suddenly the apprentice felt a chiaroscuro of pain raking her back and she was pinned by a RiverClan apprentice with murder in his eyes. He ripped like a psychopath at Lostpaw's throat. She felt her energy weaken and she realized he will kill me.

You know you deserve it. A horrible voice sang in her head, cool and clear. You're the burden!

Just maybe he'll kill me already...

Maybe it's not a bad thing...


She was always the burden, and she knew it deep inside it wouldn't matter to anyone if she did die.

I...I don't want to die! It's not my time. Lostpaw growled and kept clawing like a maniac.

Just when Lostpaw was about to give up, Pantherpaw and a familiar Thunderbutt launched forward between the two snarling cats.

Pantherpaw hissed. "How dare you do this at a GATHERING?" She began to rear up on her haunches...

when a dusky, pale gray tom DUSTPAW?! flew into the mix. 

"Stop! Stop!" He cried hoarsely, throwing himself at. . . er, Pantherpaw?! His claws slashed and slashed at her throat. Lostpaw watched in horror, rooted to the spot.

Tears started streaming down the little black she-cat's face.

"S-s-stop it! I'm a W-WindClan cat!" She cried again and again. "S-st-"

But nothing seemed to matter to Dustpaw, his expression was cold and murderous and Lostpaw couldn't move or stop as Dustpaw killed the apprentice.

He killed that black-furred little she-cat with the black eyes that had glittered and burned.

He killed her like she his plaything, a sadist's plaything, and now she was dead.

And He didn't even care. He. Didn't. Even. Care.

She knew what he deserved. Tonight, I avenge you, Pantherpaw.

And Lostpaw let out a scream, flinging herself at Dustpaw with all her tiny might.

And she watched insanely like he was her plaything though she knew he deserved it.

And that night she became a murderer of her own Clanmate.

A/N: Hey guys! Read this please! I'm having some trouble with Wattpad and this story. Sometimes if pages don't show up, and suddenly you don't really know what's happening, it's not supposed to be like that. Well, err... hopefully.

And could you guys read my new book and comment or vote? It's called Ravenstar's Revenge, and it's about Ravenpaw >:3 Have a great day! XD

And lastly special thanks to @FrostyLorekit (koba) for the beautiful new cover! You definately should follow this talented person for amazing stories (and see his lovely covers!)!!!!!!1!

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