Episode 18: Into Three

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AN: Fanart by Rein Akira from TheOtaku

Last time Yusuke found himself in a canyon that stretched around inside the Foliage Fortress; then he found himself defending against Kurama. He tried to reason with him, but to no avail. In the end Yusuke gave his all and defeated his old friend. Returning to his task of making it through the fortress, he encountered an unharmed Kurama in a successful ambush. Now the Spirit Detectives, Kuwabara, and Yusuke are being held prisoner while Hiei is the final target on their list. With time drawing short as the fortress soars into its destined position, can the world be saved from impending doom?


[The Foliage Fortress is seen orbiting around the Earth. All motion  stops as it fades into an illustration in a book. In the Spirit World  records room, Koenma is sitting on top of a ladder, reading the text  around the illustration. George bursts in.]

George: There you are, Koenma sir! The reception should be working perfectly now.

[Koenma stands and floats down with the book under his arm.]

Koenma: Finally! This time, it better stay fixed!

George: Uh, what is that book you have there, sir?

Koenma: I was searching to see if there was any information on this Foliage Fortress.

George: And have you found anything?

Koenma:  As a matter of fact, this book does mention a gift built centuries ago  for the gods, which was prospectively located in the same area. But it  was meant to be a satellite.

George: Satellite? Oh that reminds  me; while I was fixing the reception, the others were watching the  screen to see when it was fixed. When the picture came in, they saw the  fortress taking off like a rocket!

[George swoops his arm down and up like a rocket while spinning on his heel.]

Koenma: [snapping] WHAT?! You were watching what was going on without me? [orderly] One hundred spankings.

[Two ogres appear and grab George. They drag him out of the room.]

George: [calling out] But I wasn't the one watching!

Koenma: [thoughtful] Hmmm. That confirms it. The 'fortress' must be one of the Gifts to Deity.

* * *

[Hiei travels down a corridor that has many doors to the side. His eyes are closed and his Jagan uncovered.]

Hiei  Voiceover: Ingenious fortress. All the plants provide oxygen, and there  is a core to sustain gravity. [pause] The walls have moved again. They  seem to try and keep me in the same area. It is like they have a mind of  their own.

[Hiei stops and opens his eyes.]

Hiei: Show yourself.

[Silence  prevails. Hiei's eyes flash back, and he pulls his sword out, slashing  it while turning. It's blocked by a grass blade sword, held by Kurama.]

Hiei: [growls warningly] Kurama.

Kurama: [sinister undertone] Hello.

[Kurama  pushes Hiei's sword back and strikes. Hiei blocks. Their swords  continue in rapid clashes with Hiei on the defensive. Kurama stabs Hiei  in the gut, but it ends up being an afterimage. Hiei reappears behind  Kurama. Kurama rolls to the side, avoiding Hiei's strike. Kurama gets up  and lunges towards Hiei. Hiei's sword glows with the darkness flame.  Light flashes in this round of sword clashes. Then Kurama and Hiei stop,  holding their swords with their backs to each other. Kurama's grass  sword tears into segments, the pieces fluttering down like leaves.  Kurama drops the remainder of his blade and pulls out a rose. He spins  to face Hiei as the rose transforms into a whip.]

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