Episode 4: Trouble In Demon World

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Previously on YYH Beyond, the gang was having a friendly reunion in the park when it was cut short by a terrible disturbance. A monster, who is actually the sister of Yoko Kurama, had finally found her long lost brother. She insists that he visit the rest of their siblings in Demon world. He has to leave behind his pregnant wife, Midori, but now he is ready.


[On a rocky mountain side in Demon World, a group of demon fighters gather.]

Leader: This way!

[Silently, they descend the mountain side and scale up other side, arriving at a bush. A Scout uses a pole to pull some branches away to reveal an opening. The leader crawls in followed by the others one by one. Inside the cave, they reach a tunnel large enough to walk through. They come to a cavern and gather in.]

Leader: We know you are here filthy beasts! Come out and face your doom!

Mob Member #1: Yeah! Show those ugly mugs so we can eradicate them!

Mob Member #2: You won't threaten us any more once we're done!

[Silence prevails as they look around. A chilly breeze blows. Some party members shiver as a fire bursts up and encircles them. Huddling together, one demon in the center feels a drop on his head and looks up. At once water pours to surround them. The wind swirls the fire and water together until the entire mob is either burned or drowned.]

* * *

[In the clearing where Yokira was reunited with her long lost brother Kurama, a few birds chirp and fly off. Yokira in human form leans against a tree at the edge of the clearing. Kurama walks in from the other side.]

Yokira: [without looking up] It's about time you got here.

Kurama: It is still early, it seems as though your eagerness to leave precedes my own.

Yokira: [pushes self off from tree into standing position] At least I didn't have to resort to drastic measures...what's concocting in your mind to make you come prematurely?

Kurama: [innocently] Must there be a reason? First I didn't come soon enough and now it's too soon?

Yokira: [raises eyebrow] You think I don't know my own brother? Planning ahead and preparing for something no doubt.

Kurama: Yet you still beat me here. [shakes head] I was hoping...might we go on a stroll before we depart?

Yokira: What for? I really want to get going.

Kurama: I understand, think of it as some personal time for us.

Yokira: [sly smile] Hmph, don't get too much one on one time with the pack around do we?

Kurama: Indeed we won't, and I trust we both have a bit of catching up to do.

Yokira: I suppose I can humor you with that for a little bit, but lets not be too long!

[They walk from the clearing back to the park and follow a sidewalk path. They converse but no audio is heard. Two kids run past them laughing with ice cream in their hands.]

Yokira: Well it sounds as though between Toguro, Sensui, and Yomi, you've been through quite a bit of adventure as a human. Some of those challenges sound exciting, [holds hands behind head] although what they accomplished is honestly pretty stupid.

Kurama: True I would have thought so myself not too long ago. But living here I learned a new way of life that is unimaginable to demons.

Yokira: Puh...I lived here for a number of years while searching for you...I still don't see what's so special about this place, and I'll be more than delighted to leave.

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