Episode 16: Betrayal

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AN: Concept sketch of Cloaked Master's ring and cosplay adaptation

Previously Kurama was greeted with a bullet to the chest in which Midori sacrificed her health to heal. Summoned by mysterious notes, the gang soon gathered at Kurama's home to find a new threat to the world. They set out for the Foliage Fortress in attempts to divert this threat and were ambushed by none other than the kids of the first spirit detective. Joining forces, they enter the fortress together but what awaits them and why were they forewarned of this impending danger?


[Kaisei and Fubuki lead Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei through hallways  composed of plants. Occasionally hands extend to push aside protruding  limbs.]

Kaisei: Let's see, we should make a right here.

[The group rounds the corner.]

Yusuke:  [muttering] Hey Hiei, do you think Kurama is keeping close by, or  scouting up ahead to make sure these brats don't steer us the wrong way?

Hiei: It is hard to tell while his presence is masked. Judging the correct way is also hard since this labyrinth is alive.

[A vine makes a rattling noise as it rises up and over Kuwabara's shoulder. Kuwabara looks over at it and his face turns blue.]

Kuwabara: [gulp] Oh, geeze! This place is creepy!

[Kuwabara  rips the vine off and stomps on it. The vine slithers back to its root  and reattaches itself. A bunch of vines also start rattling and coming  away from the wall towards the gang.]

Fubuki: You better hurry up guys or we'll leave you behind!

Hiei: [to Kuwabara] Keep going, don't let them distract you.

[Yusuke  and Hiei pass Kuwabara. Eyeing the rattling vines, Kuwabara bypasses  the bunch. The vines slither along the walls and ground, following the  group.]

Kuwabara: Yeah, easy for you to say. I bet if we had a  torch, these demon plants would open a path right to the center for us.  [falling] Ack!

[Yusuke and Hiei turn to face Kuwabara.]

Yusuke: Wow, Kuwabara. Getting so old you forget how to walk?

Kuwabara: No, I was tripped!

Yusuke: [sarcastic] Yeah, sure.

Hiei: If you're going to make up an excuse, make it a good one.

[Hiei  and Yusuke keep walking. Kuwabara looks back to find a vine wrapped  around his ankle. Another vine slithers by to wind up Yusuke's leg,  causing him to fall as well.]

Yusuke: [falling] Hey-AH!

[Yusuke  rises to his knees. The rattling noise increases as more vines emerge  to wind themselves around Kuwabara and tie him to the floor. More drag  Yusuke towards a wall. Some vines from the opposing wall fight their way  around Hiei. All three grunt as they struggle to get out of the tangled  plants.]

Kaisei: [calling] Hurry up! We're not waiting for you any longer!

Fubuki: [calling back] Seriously, you old geezers are so slow!

Yusuke: Stupid kiddie brats! We're not old! Just [struggling] tied up at the moment.

* * *

[The gang's struggling can be seen on a screen in Koenma's office.]

Koenma:  [thoughtfully] Old geezer? [pleasantly] Ha, take that Yusuke! Serves  you right for all the times you called me a toddler!

George: Uh, sir? Shouldn't you be more worried about the vines?

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