Episode 9: Strategies Unfold

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Yusuke and Hiei have passed Zerka's initiation and have received their first rewards. While they celebrated the night away, Kurama was preparing to leave his demon family despite Yokira's attempts to entice his Yoko side to emerge. While leaving, Remayolo informed him that he had to stay the month to ensure his human mother's safety. To add to this burden, Yokira threatened to inform the rest of the pack about Kurama's wife, Midori, if he did not change back into Yoko Kurama. Will Kurama abide to protect Midori? What is Remayolo scheming? What will Yusuke and Hiei learn now that they are in Zerka?



[By the pond at night, Kurama and Midori are talking to one another.]

Midori: Thank you for your support through this first year, I really appreciate it.

Kurama: Don't mention it, you have helped me too.

Midori: [averts eyes, blushing] Don't be silly, I could never repay your kindness.

[Kurama smiles. Midori smiles but a tear trickles out of her eye. Kurama lifts his hand to brush it off with his finger and steps in closer to Midori. They embrace.]


[Kurama stands on his ledge on the mountain during the day staring off to the distance.]

Kurama: I vowed to protect you, I am sorry that the price of your protection will hurt you so much. [turns towards burrow leading to the den; shifts into Yoko Kurama form]

* * *

[Midori sneezes while sitting at the desk in her apartment.]

Midori: Oh, [picks up wedding photo and gazes upon it] I suppose you are thinking of me too, dear. [smiles, replaces photo]

[There is a knock on the door. Midori sets down her pencil and slides her notes into a pile then gets up and goes over to open it and sees Kayko with her son, Kazuki]

Midori: Oh welcome Kayko! What a pleasant surprise; do come in!

Kayko: [enters] Thank you. How have you been feeling?

Midori: I've been hanging in there, the best I can. [sits down in a chair] May I hold the little one?

Kayko: Oh that's right, [hands Kazuki over for Midori to hold] you haven't met Kazuki yet. [sits down on the couch]

Midori: [cooing] Ah isn't he the most precious thing you have ever seen? That's right, you are absolutely precious!

Kazuki: [coos]

Midori: [normal voice] So how has life been treating you?

Kayko: I suppose it is all right. Other than Yusuke gone, I can't really complain.

Midori: [looks thoughtfully past Kayko] Yes, Kurama has been gone for a while too. I suppose I shouldn't expect him back until the end of the month.

Kayko: Doesn't it scare you? That he might not come back?

Midori: [closes eyes and smiles] No. I trust that he will return. [places Kazuki on the ground]

Kayko: [shakes head and smiles] I don't understand how you can remain so happy.

Midori: How can I not be with such a cute face around? [looks at Kazuki] His eyes are so bright and smile so sure. [Kazuki crawls to the coffee table and holds on the edge] Children are the hope of the future. Our men are out there to protect us and our kids. [Kazuki gets hold of a book and pulls it onto the floor with him] Thanks to them, this little boy will be able keep on smiling and laughing.

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