Chapter 2-B

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Garrett dragged a small stool over to the table. "Sorry. This is all we have right now. We'll get you a chair next meeting."

It felt somewhat apt sitting on the three-legged contraption while everyone else was in a chair. It wasn't the most comfortable feeling but she'd make do. Zipping open her bag, she took out her books and phone. Several messages from her mother blinked on the screen. No doubt she was checking up on her. Frustrated, she closed the screen without looking at them. It took her several minutes before realizing everyone was watching her.

"Something on my face?" she kidded.

"Madison, I—no, we have a confession to make," Avery said, when no else spoke up. "We weren't necessarily honest with you about our intentions."

"What's this 'we' business?" Kelly asked, thrusting her nose in the air. "You were the one who lied to her. Not us." She looked at Madison. "I'm morally opposed to lying."

"Oh. Well...sure. That's a good policy to have."

"I didn't lie to her," Avery exclaimed. Her gaze swung to Madison, her face earnest. "I didn't. I swear I didn't." She seemed to wait for some type of response so Madison nodded although she had no clue what they were talking about. Avery turned back to Kelly. "See?"

"You didn't tell her the truth," Kelly pointed out.

"Well, I couldn't exactly tell her the truth now could I? And if you had a problem with the way I handled things, then you should have asked stepped up and asked her instead of me."

"Why would I ask her when you were the one who wanted her to join?"

"We all agreed," Avery argued back. Her almond shaped eyes flashing with indignation. "If you didn't want her then you should have said something when we voted."

"You know what—why don't I just go?" Madison asked, shifting in her seat. Clearly, they had a few issues that needed to be ironed out.

"No, no. Stay," Avery insisted.

"I don't know what this," she motioned to the four of them, "is all about, but it seems to me that I'm not wanted."

Kelly winced and offered her a contrite look, her glasses slowly sliding down the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry. That wasn't my intent. We're just a little wary of newcomers."

"We've been friends for years," Garrett explained. "Kelly and I have known Wyatt since we were in diapers and Avery joined our group during middle school."

"It's not that we don't like you," Kelly said, pushing the red frames back up, "it's just we don't..." 

"Trust me," Madison filled in.

Kelly lowered her head in a small nod. She seemed relieved Madison understood the score. 

Madison ran her tongue over her front teeth as she processed this. "If you don't trust me, then why am I here?"

The four friends glanced at each other, sharing furtive looks. It was Wyatt who spoke up, his tan face solemn as rested his forearms on the table. He clasped his hands together, the sleeves of his long-sleeved shirt straining against his biceps.

"We are offering you a chance to join our club."

"Club," she repeated, rolling the word around in her head. "Not a study group."

"A special club. One that requires discretion and complete secrecy."

The concept intrigued her. "What does this club do?"

Wyatt looked to his right. "Avery?"

Avery cleared her throat. "Do you remember the birthday party we were both at about a month ago? It was for Alex Chow."

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