Chapter 2

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(That's how she walks n what she's wearing^^^^u'll get what I mean later
The song is the one kisames singing)

Hinata's p.o.v

I wonder what they're doing here? I was actually going to find the akatsuki and convince them to let me join. I've been getting really bored with these bandits, and ever since my name got put in the bingo book as an S-class criminal.
"Wow. I never thought I'd get to see two of the strongest people in the akatsuki," I paused to mock a bow, "What a pleasure to meet you," I said with sarcasm.
As I straightened myself, I held their stony gazes. both of them had smirks on their faces, making me confused. why are they looking smug? wasn't I the one who just degraded them? I looked at my feet, trying to figure it out.
Then it clicked.
When I looked down, I couldn't help but notice how low my shirt neckline has become. low enough where it could show cleavage when bowing.
No wonder why they're looking smug. Bitches.
"Is there something wrong, lady?" kisame asked while smiling, showing his sharp teeth.
I looked up from my feet to meet their gazes again. this time with a blush on my fave, but it soon disappeared, with a smirk in its place.
"Oh there's nothing wrong here. just that I see 2 criminals from the akatsuki and are not here to kill me," I raised my eyebrow in question.
" We are actually here to kidnap you," Itachi's oh-so-excited voice said( that was me being sarcastic, idiots).
" So how's the kidnapping going?" I ask as if I wasn't the one they wee going to kidnap.
"Yeah, we were wondering if you would just come along with us with no trouble?" kisame sounded desperate.
"It's too much trouble," mumbled a monotonous itachi.
"I don't think I have a choice. I mean I was going to join the akatsuki anyways.
" Let's go," itachi said stiffly. geez, grumpy much?
So we set off with itachi leading the way, me after him, and kisame behind me. I had to be in the middle so won't escape. yeah right.
After 2 hours, I started to sweat so I took my jacket off. not even 10 minutes later, I hear a thud behind me. me and itachi turn to find kisame lying on the ground, blood pooling around him. I thought someone attacked him until I found the blood was coming from His nose m. kisame was in a total daze and singing "walks like Rihanna." is he referring that song to me?
"What caused him to get a nosebleed?" I asked to no one in particular. I started walking in front of itachi as he picked up kisame and walked behind me. kisame was still singing "walks like Rihanna" but louder and clearer.
Itachi suddenly stopped, and I turned to look at him. he was pinching his nose with his left hand and had kisame slung over his right shoulder.
" I think I know why kisame and I are having a nosebleed, hinata," itachi said still pinching his nose.
"Why?" I asked very curiously.
"It's the way you walk."
Coincidentally, kisame sang out,
Me and itachi looked at Kisame with a sweatdrop. I looked back at its itachi.
"So you were saying?"
"Well, the way you walk is... um... admirable?" He said it as a question to see if I understand. I nodded for him to continue.
"Did you know that you are able to walk like this?"he asked.
I actually did know why and how I walk like this.a few months ago I was thinking of a trick Ino was talking about with me. it was how to strut. I tried it out on the bandits. this Trick made people notice me and I liked the attention. the strutting became a habit an I will always walk like this.
"Actually, I do know how I walk, itachi. do you have a problem with that?"
"U-um no, I don't," itachi said. I caught the tiniest of blushes on his face but it was gone the moment it appeared. he cleared his throat, back to his stoic ness.
"But would you mind doing me a favor when we get to the base?" He asked.
I interested I said, "sure, what do you need me to do?"
"All you have to make sure of is to get all the akatsuki members to watch you walk," he smirked evilly.
I smirked just as evilly,"i will do it as long as you bring a camera."
"Why, of course, how could I forget."
The conversation ended and the rest of the way was in silence.

~TIME SKIP(base)~

As we walked into the seemingly empty cave, it turned out to actually be a house the was put under a seal to look like a cave.
Itachi dropped Kisame(still singing "walks like Rihanna"... do I affect people this much???)into a couch, motioned for me to follow him to, I'm guessing, pein's office. once we were there, itachi knocked until we heard a gruff "come in". itachi went in first and I followed right behind him.
"Did you find her?" Pein asked.
"I did, she's right here," he sidestepped so I could stand like 4 feet from pein's desk.
"You needed me, sir?" I ask as I raised my eyebrow.
"Hinata hyuuga, would you consider joining the akatsuki?" Wow, straightforward aren't we pein? I should make his nose bleed just for fun. I smirked.
"What if I don't consider pein-sam? I started to strut slowly towards his desk. once I reached it, I leaned over and whispered to his face.
"What are you gonna do about it?"
That's what did it. he strayed to have a nosebleed. it may not have been as much as kisame, but enough for me to know he was affected. I saw itachi in the corner trying to hide his smirk. I turned back to pei. To find the bleeding stopped.
"Don't worry, pein-sama. I'm joining the akatsuki so you don't have to plan my death,e I said while grinning.
Before pein-sama could say anything to me, I grabbed a smirking itachi and practically ran out of the room.
Once we were out of earshot, me and itachi burst into laughter. what? It was funny!
"That was hilarious!!!" Itachi said laughing . I suddenly stopped laughing and looked at itachi.
"HOLY CRAP! Itachi is LAUGHING!" I hollered. suddenly, a hand was clasped around my mouth. I looked at itachi who was still trying to stop his laughs.
"Do you want to meet the rest of the gang?" He asked when he calmed down. he talked with his usual stony voice, but he has this mischievous glint i his eyes. already knowing what he meant I said yes.
We headed towards the living room. this is gonna be a blood bath *wink* (if you know what I'm talking about)

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