Chapter 12

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HInata P.O.V


Almost immediately, me and itachi jumped from our fighting positions and ran toward each other. i studied him as we ran. He doesnt have his sharigan activated yet. Is he underestimating me? Fine, Itachi-nii-san. Be that way, I am not gonna activate my byakugan.

As we neared each other, i threw a fist to his face. He dodged of course, and he bent down and whipped his feet out, trying to knock my feet out from under me. i jumped up and used that momentum to kick my feet out and kick Itachi's face. He had to use his hand to block my kick from touching his face. We both jumped away from each other. Itachi breathing is normal and his face emotionless. I'm panting just slightly and my face contorted in irritation. Itachi smirked.

"Tired already?" he asked with smugness dripping from his words.

I grit my teeth, "tch. you wish!" i pulled my hair into a high ponytail and took a kunai out. I honestly have no idea what i'm going to do with this kunai. i took a deep breath and concentrated on my surroundings. i looked everywhere that i could see, unused to not using my byakugan.

I ran toward itachi with my kunai. i threw hits everywhere, not even aiming anywhere. i kept hitting him until i could find the right moment to hit him. i kept glancing at his face to see when he was going to blink. I know, the most stupidest tactic ever, to wait until the opponent closes his eyes and then attack.

Man, i must seriously be stupid if i think itachi would fall for that. Plus, i dont think itachi is ever gonna blink, like seriously. ive been watching his face, but he still didnt blink. Yup, its official. this plan is never gonna work. I stopped trying to hit itachi with my kunai(it was futile from the start anyway) and jumped back to where we were at the beginning of the battle. i surveyed the area.

i never noticed how many trees there were. Damn, i should've noticed a long time ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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