Chapter 1

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I'm finally leaving this damned place. I packs all my things into a pack that was now filled with scrolls. each scroll contained the things that were in my room. one of the scrolls contained something I wasn't sure if I should bring.
It was one of my greatest accomplishments, a Jonin vest. this jacket proved that I was finally ready to take on the world. when I accomplished this reward, I replaced it with my favorite baggy jacket for the best to show everyone that I finally made Jonin.
That's why I decided not to bring it with me.
It reminded me too much of the people who mistreated me at Konoha.
So I put on my favorite baggy jacket and set off, leaving the jonin vest and a note saying my goodbyes on my bed.
I left the Hyuuga estate as quietly as I could at like 1 in the morning. I ran through the seemingly empty village concealing my chakra so no-one detects me leaving. I left some of my chakra into the vest so no-one thought I had left.
As I passed the gates that leads in and out of the village hidden in the leaves, I turned back around just to take one more image of Konoha into my head. the hokage mountain was the one theater stood out most. I remember seeing naruto always up there, talking to himself, as I passed by unnoticed by him.
That's the last time I'll ever think of him, I swore to myself as I turned back around to go wherever the wind takes me. I will not have anyone hold me back from what it is I want or who I want to be! That's now my ninja way.
With that little rant going on in my head, a burst of energy went through my body as I started to jog, then run, then sprint as fast as I possibly can with my chakra still hidden from others to sense.
I ran and ran through the mountains, rivers, vallys, trees. I ran so much I lost sight of where I was headed, not like I really knew where I was going. I was just going with the flow. the energy-no- the freedom running through me felt so good. I didn't have to look good, be nice, or fight for anyone--anyone, but me. I could do everything that I wanted to do. I ran and ran even faster as these thoughts caused a smirk to crawl Up me face.
I sprinted like that for several weeks. those several weeks kind of change me. I trained myself to stop blushing and stuttering habits. I tried not to stutter whenever I crossed paths with someone so i would be able to at least day "hi" or "good morning." whenever I saw a blond male coming towards me, I tried not to blush and faint thinking about how the stranger's hair reminded me of him.
There were some bandits on the way, too. I decided to test this trick on a few of them that Ino taught me. She knew that I didn't like violence so she told me another way to prevent seduce someone. she thought I wasn't listening to her, but I paid very close attention if it could help me.
It helped me in a lot of situations and I decided to use it for this situation as well.
Their was this bandit who was sneaking up on me in the trees. already knowing he's there, I pretended I didnt.
Out of nowhere, he pinned my hands above my head against a tree. he appeared to be analyzing my eyes.
"You have such pretty eyes...Would you mind if I borrow them?"he asked me while taking out a kunai knife. ugh, I'm so bored of how these bandits are.... maybe I should tease him.I smirked to myself.
"Will I get a reward first?" I asked huskily, pressing my body against his dirty clothes.
"W-what makes y-you think I have a reward?" the bandit asked trying not to sound nervous, but failing miserably. he loosened his grip due to his dazed state. I smirked, finally a little more room.
"Are you okay?" I asked, making sure my breath fanned his face. I leaned into his ear and said, "you seem a little..."--I paused as I raised an eyebrow--"...out of breath."
Before he could even open his mouth, I easily slipped my hands from his loose grip and brought it behind his head. I brought is head down to my knee, knocking him out instantly.
I tied the bandit to a tree, and turned to continue to walk to wherever. I dusted myself off as I looked up, and didn't expect to see what I am seeing.

Itachi uchiha and kisame hoshigaki.

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