Chapter 9: The Party

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Valor woke up to screams. Jolting up right she looks around quickly. Then she spotting the commotion. It was the white horse. Maximus the Captain call him dragging Eugene away. "No, put me down! Stop it no!"

Rapunzle was up now. Girls race to help to the thief.

"Let me go!"

Rapunzle grabs him and a game of tug of war happens. Valor looks back and forth between them. Maximus didn't look to wanting to give up his prisoner.

"Give m me him!"

"Stop. Stop. Stop!"

Then a pop and his boot came off sending him flying and Rapunzle backwards. Valor winces. "Well that's one way to start a day." She mummers.

Max soon sorts realizing he didn't have the man. Neighing loudly he charges. Rapunzel quickly intercepts him. While Valor walks over. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Rapunzle says trying to calm him down. "Easy boy. Easy! Settle down. Whoa, whoa, whoa." Max tears and lands in front of them.

Rapunzel kept talking to him trying to get the horse to settle down. Luckily it was working. "That's it." Rapunzle said softly. "Now sit." Max looks at Pascal and then catches Valor's glance. "Best listen she knows what she's doing." Valor said.

Slowly Max sat.


"Now drop the boot." Max nickers. "Drop it." Opening his mouth he released it. Valor picks it up handing it back to Eugene. "Aw. You're such a good boy. Yes you are. Yes you are." Max begins to thump his tail. Valor smiles watching this. All her years so far this was a sight to see.

"You all tried from chasing this bad man all over the place?" Rapunzle asked him. Max nickers nodding his head.

"Excuse me?"

"Nobody appreciates you do they?" Rapunzle said hugging him. Max snorts. "Do they."

"Oh come on. He's a bad horse." Eugene states. "No. He's just doing his job. Right Rap?" Valor ask walking over to Max and Rapunzle.

"Oh, he's nothing but a sweetheart. Isn't that right. Maximus." She read on the medal. "You gotta be kidding me." Max glares at Eugene. "Max. No." Valor says. "Look. Today is the biggest day of my life, and the thing is, I need you to not get him arrested." Rapunzle states helping Eugene up. Max snorts ears back.

"I know. It's your job. But, I think it can wait until later." Valor said. "Just need him with me for the next 24 hours. Then you can can chase each other to your heart's content. Okay?" Rapunzle asked as the two glances at each other. Valor taps her foot. "Max..." "Eugene sighs holding out his hand. "And it's also my birthday." Rapunzle adds.

Max snorts abs gives in shaking hand and hoof in agreement. Then something manages to catch Rapunzle's eyes. "Hey! Wait up." Valor said.

They reach the bridge. As they began to cross Valor freezes. "Hey, Wolfe you coming?" Eugene ask. Valor hesitates. "I don't know. I mean.. I should go." Valor steps back. "Oh, come Val, please. I know you've had trouble with towns before, but I'm sure this will be different." Rapunzle bags. Valor looks at the others. Max snorts next to her. Giving a shy smile. "Oh, all right. Just for tonight." Then they made their way into the town.

So many people were moving about. 'Was all this for the lanterns?' Valor thought. Then noticed people stepping on Rapnuzel's hair and Eugene trying help by picking it up. Looking about Valor grins. "Hey!" She waves then over. The three girls look and gasp seeing all the hair. They raced over.

Within minutes.  Rapunzle's hair was braided. Flowers weaves into it. The tug on her shirt. Valor noticing a girl hold out a blue flower. Crouching low. The girl laughs as she weaves it into her hair.  Looking about she had lost track of Eugene and Rapunzle.

Yet it didn't take too long to find her. Rapnuzel was staring at a huge Merrill of the royal family. Valor walks over. Kids and adults leaving presents. 

Was Rapunzle quickly veers off. Valor frowns looking from it to the dancing blonde. She walks over to Eugene. "Looks like she's having fun." Valor watches as she spins about. Rapnuzel laughs dragging in more people. Then Rapunzle grabs her hand pulling her in. "Val come dance with us." Rapunzle says.

Soon Valor found herself dancing and clapping along with everyone. Laughing as she went about spinning about on her own or dancing with another. Valor watches as Max knocks Eugene into the mix. He was pulled away by another person.

Spinning she stops next to Max leaning on him with a smile. "You know. I can't help but think you did that on purpose." Valor comments. Max snorts. Valor laughs. "I guess you're right. Even a thief like him needs to enjoy life."

Valor closes her eyes listening to everyone around her. Children laughing, sound of feet dancing to music, smell of all the food. Sighing she nearly forgotten what it was like being in a town. Valor felt tight pull in her chest. "I really do want a home. A place to live again." She whispers. Then she noticed they had stopped dancing. It was getting dark closer to the twilight zone.

"To the boats!" Someone shouts out. And like that everyone went their separate ways. Eugene, Rapunzle, Pascal, Max and Valor broke into groups. Walking along the peer. Rapnuzel got into the canoe. "Wolfe you coming?" Eugene asked. Valor shakes her stepping back. "I'm good I-I'll stay here." Valor said stepping away from the edge.

As they began to row out. Eugene reaches for something. "Hey, Max!" He tosses a bundle of apples to him. Max snorts. "What? I bought them!" Eugene tells him.

Max begins to eat. As they paddle out into the water. Valor pats Maximus' side. "I'm sure he's joking." Valor watches them get smaller.

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"Where are we going?" Rapunzle ask him. "Best day of your life? I figured you should have a decent seat." Eugene set Pascal onto the edge of the canoe. By now. Night had fallen.

Looking towards the kingdom. Lights of shops where seen. Reflecting over the water. The time was drawing closer. 

Rapunzle sighs. "You okay?" Eugene asked her. "I'm terrified." Rapunzle admits softly. "Why?" Eugene asked her.

"I've been looking out a window for 18 years, dreaming about what it might feel like when those lights rise in the sky. *Sigh* what if it's not everything that I dreamed it would be?" Rapunzle asked.  "It will be." Eugene tells her. "And what if it is? What do I do then?" She asks him.

"That's the good part I guess. You get to go find a new dream." Eugene said. "Hmm."

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Inside the castle the king and queen where getting ready. 18 long years they have been doing this. Waiting for their lost princess.

Queen reset her hand on his check as he closed his eyes. Crying. The Queen removes the tear from his face. They couldn't be seen like that.

Then they made their way to the balcony overlooking the kingdom. A single lantern waiting for them. Together they lift it up deep into the sky. As it flew higher and higher. The town began to follow suit. Lighting their lanterns and sending them up after the king and queen's lantern.

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