Chapter 7: The Chase

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Everyone was laughing. The mood no longer gloomy but light and friendly. Valor even felt at home more. Yet being around guys like them still made her feel a bit out of the norm. Just the door burst open and Greno was back. "I found the guards!" He announces. Quickly Flynn grabs both Rapnuzel and Valor and hides.

"Where's Rider? Where is he?" The Captain's voice booms through the tavern. Valor felt her heart racing. Looking over at the others. "I know he's in here somewhere. Find him." He orders his men."Turn this place upside down if you have to." The table thumped as he pounds it. Valor winces at the sound. Flynn pokes his head up to see. More guards walking in followed by. Sideburns and Patch. Valor yanks him dow. Then a hook touches Rider's shoulder.

They look quickly to see Hook Hand. "Follow me." He tells them. Crawling the watched as he opens a trap door. "Wow." Valor exclaims. The tunnel must be the way out. "Go live your dream." Hook Hand said.

"I will." Flynn said. "You dream stinks. I was talking about her's." He motions to Rapnuzel while Valor grins. "What about you? You got a dream?" Hook hand asked as Flynn and Rapnuzel began to enter the cave. Valor blinks. "Well, yeah. I just want people to accept me for me. And find my true home." Valor tells him. Hook Hand nod. "Good luck kid." Valor nods and follows after them and the trap door closes shut.

-line break-

"Well I got to say. I didn't know you had that in you back there." Flynn tells Rapnuzel as he leads the way through the tunnel. "That was pretty impressive." He adds. "I know!" Rapnuzel said causing an echo. "I know." Rapnuzel adds a bit quieter. Yeah. Everybody else would have choked up and ran." Valor adds helping Rapnuzel keep her long hair up as try walk.

"Thanks." Rapunzel smiles. Valor nods. Plus Valor could tell, Flynn was warming up to Rapunzel a bit.

"So... Flynn.. Valor? Where are you guys from?" Rapnuzel asked them. Valor stiffens slightly. "Whoa. Sorry blondie, I don't do backstory.  How ever, I am becoming very interested in yours and Valor's." He adds.

Valor shakes her head. "Mine not worth sharing. Besides, it's complicated." Valor admits. Frowning. Thinking about. 'If I told them? How would they react? I'm not really human after all?' She thought.

"All right then. Blondie how about yours then? I know I'm not supposed to mention the hair."


"Or the mother."


"Frankly I'm scared to ask about the frog."



Valor rolls her eyes. Yet she could hear something coming from far off. Glancing over her shoulder as they walked.

"Here's my question, though, if you want to see the lanterns so badly why haven't you've gone before?" Flynn asked her. Valor looks over at Rapunzel. "You know you're right. Why haven't you? Your hair is long enough to get you out yet you've never left." Valor chimes in.

"Uh.." Rapnuzel laughs nervously. Then the sound of pebbles being kicked followed by thunderous noise feet. The ground shook around them.

"Uh, Flynn?" Rapnuzel calls as she looks back. Valor could hear the voice drawing ever so closer. Just then the guards appeared. Caring torches. Valor gasped. "Guys run! Run!" All three took off running.

"Rider!" The shouts echoed behind them. Valor pulls ahead. "Come on follow me!" She orders them. Valor could hear water and gears turning up ahead. The light drew brighter and brighter.

Quickly they emerged from the tunnel. Getting to edge and looking down. A rope ladder greeted them. "Look!" Valor points as Sideburns and Patch broke through the other side. "Looks like that way is out." Flynn said.

"Who's that?" Rapnuzel asked him. "They don't like me." Flynn tells her. "Who's that?" Rapnuzel ask again as the guards emerged from behind them. "They don't like me either." Flynn adds.

Then Maximus appears next. "Who's that?" Rapunzel ask once more. "Let's assume that everyone here doesn't like me." Flynn explains.

Valor felt a growl in her throat. At this rate she won't have any choice. "Here." Rapnuzel hands him her frying pan. Valor turns to watch Rapnuzel tosses her hair. It wraps around a polar and she tugs. Rapnuzel offers Valor a hand but the black haired girl shakes her head. "I've got my own way across."  Valor tells Rapunzel. So Rapnuzel jumps and swings to the other side.

Valor takes a few steps back. The she runs. Shifting her form last minute. A huge 8 foot black wolf leaps over the gap. Flynn stares in awe as it lands nimbly next to Rapnuzel.

Rapunzel gasp as the wolf quickly turned back. "What are you?" Rapnuzel asked Valor in shock. "Short version. I'm a werewolf." Running to the edge. "WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!" Valor shouts.

Flynn turns in time to see the guards coming his way. Valor watches as he quickly dispatches them with the frying pan.

Laughing Flynn tosses about. "Oh, mama! I got to get me one of these!" He said only now to come face to face with a sword and horse.

"Rapnuzel your seeing this right?" Valor asked her. As they watched Flynn and a horse duel. "You should know that this the strangest thing I've ever done!" Flynn shouts. But Max manages to knock the pan from his hand.

"Better get him out of there." Valor points out. Rapnuzel nods. "Flynn!" She shouts tossing her hair. It grabs him. With a sharp yank. He was flying off the ledge.

"Flynn look out!" Rapnuzel shouts. Valor watches as the Stabbington brothers miss him by inches."ha you should see you face because you look." Valor winces as he gets hit in the gut by a pillar.

Sound of kicking. Made both Valor and Rapnuzel turn to see Max kicking down another pillar. As it fell. Sound of water followed. Valor's heart skipped a beat. "Come, blondie, Wolfe jump!" Valor quickly runs and jumps. Landing in a roll just as Rapnuzel follows right behind her.

Quickly all three began running for their lives. Flynn picks up the remaining hair as they ran. Sound of a dam bursting rang out.

Valor's icy blue eyes widen in shock as the water began to tower over them. The water swept up the guards. Their horses and the other thieves.

Then it hits a rocky pillar. Causing the largest of them to fall. Within seconds the rock slams down trapping them.

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