Chapter 6: The Snuggly Duckling

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"Now, how about some lunch. You two you two hungry? Because I know this great for lunch!" Flynn quickly adds. "Where?" Rapunzle ask him. Valor had to admit she was hungry it's been awhile since she last ate. "Yeah. What is this place your talking about Flynn?" Valor adds.

"Oh, don't you worry. You'll know it when you smell it. " Flynn says grabbing the frying pan and leading the way. Valor quickly runs after them.

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Max was still trying to find Rider. Nose to the ground and sniffing. Coming across a poster. The castle guard horse shreds it like a paper shredder.  A twig snaps causing him to perk up.

Quickly he sneaks behind a rock. Pulling a tree limb over to help hide himself. Slowly the person got closer casting their shadow over the rock. Quickly Max jumps in front whining startling the figure.

Mother Gothel stood there. Max bows his head. It wasn't the man he was after. "A palace horse." She said relaxing quickly. "Where's your rider?" Fear crept as it dawned on her. "Rapunzel. Rapunzle!" With that she raced back to the tower.

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As for the group of travelers. Well they were on their way to get lunch. "I know it's around here somewhere." Flynn said. "Maybe you finally got us lost." Valor comments. "Ah there it is." He said. A building nestled away. Valor raises her eyebrows. As they got closer. "The Snuggly Duckling." Flynn proudly introduced.

"Don't worry. Very quaint place. Perfect for you. Don't want you scaring and giving up on this whole endeavor now, do we?" Flynn asked.
"Well I do love ducklings." Rapunzle points out. "Well let's go then." Valor adds.

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Back at the Tower. Mother Gothel frantically searched for Rapunzel. Tearing down curtains tossing the sheets off the bed. Yet her flower was gone. What was she to do? Where had her perouis flower gone? Then something shiny catches her eyes. Quickly she runs over to the stairs. Removing the panel. Mother Gothel pulls out a satchel. Flipping it open. The old lady pulls out the stolen crown. Gasping she tosses it away. It clings as it hits the ground.

Then she fishes out a wanted poster. Flynn Rider wanted dead or alive. Growing she quickly opened the drawer and pulls out a dagger. Taking the other things with her. Mother Gothel sets out to retrieve her flower back and at any cost.

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By Now they had reached the front door. Looking the shabby house over. It really didn't look like a normal place to grab some lunch. Valor could hear voices coming from inside. Flynn grabs the handle and pushes Rapunzle in first shouting. "Garcon, your finest table, please!" Valor pokes her head from around Flynn and blinks in shock and Rapunzle gasped in shock and fear.

The men stopped what they were doing and fixed all eyes on Flynn and party. "You smell that? Take a deep breath through the nose." Flynn breathes in. Valor follows after them. Glancing from one ruffian to the next.

Rapunzle kept her frying pan out in front as she looks around. "Now let it seep in." Flynn tells her. "You know. This place isn't half bad. For a ruffian hang out. Through, not sure about getting lunch here." Valor looks over to someone cooking. "What are you getting?" Flynn asked. "How about you? Valor? Because to me, it's part man-smell and the other part really bad man-smell." Flynn explains trying to scare either both of them or Rapunzel more.

"Sorry." Valor said squeezing through the group. Just as Rapunzel gasp as one of the men grabs her hair. Quickly pulling it free she backs up. "That's a lot of hair." he said as it files through his hands. "She's growing it out." Flynn tell him. Valor looks about the place. For a place for thugs and ruffians. It looked to be in very decent conditions.

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