Chapter 3: Girl in the Tower

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Sound of feet hitting the ground echoed. Most of the wild life fled. Watching with curious icy blue eyes. A young girl pecked out from behind a tree as three men raced towards her. 'I wonder what they're running from?'  She thought.

Then she notices they all stopped, and were panting. The last person stop and grabs one of the wanted posters. Tucking bits of her black hair behind her ears. She listens in.

"Oh. No." The brown haired man said. Frowning. 'Did he not want his face on a wanted poster?'  "No, no, no, no, no, no. This bad. This is very bad." He told the other men. "This really bad." He turns it around. "They just can't get my nose right." He exclaims. Showing his face next to the poster.

The girl couldn't help, but roll her eyes at him and giggled lightly. 'That's it? Man that's silly.'

"Oh cares?" The guys with the sideburns said. His voice gruff compared to the other one. "It's easy for you to say. You guys look amazing."

Then sounds of hooves hitting the ground had now grown louder. A horse's whining rang out. Gasping she quickly ducked behind the tree pressing her back to it. The men raced off. "No way I'm missing this." Quickly she snags her satchel and races after them.

Keeping up with these men was a snap. Weaving about the bushes and trees. She could glimpse the horsemen. "Wow the kingdom's guards. Man they must be in trouble now." Jumping up she watches them take a wrong turn down a dead end.

The thundering of the horse grew closer. Crunching low she watches the thieves. "Let's see how you guys get out of this one." A toothy grin forms on her face. Most criminals never got away. It would be sad to see it happen so soon too.

Watching it took awhile but they made a ladder. The girl watches as the scrawny one climbs up first. He then makes it over the edge. "Now help us up. Now pretty boy." The guy with the sideburns said stretching out his hand. "Sorry, my hands are full." He held up a satchel. Then he was off again. Crawling back she had to admit. This thief was crafty. "Better follow him." She noted and dashes after the man.

Looking to her left. She saw the guards again. "Retrieve that satchel at any cost!" The Captain orders. The girl couldn't help but wonder what could he have taken. Then a group of arrows flew at the thief. The man ducks just in time.

"Whoa. That was close." She noted. And picked up her pace. "Better get ahead." With that her eyes glowed silver.

The guards kept firing arrows missing him and hitting the trees around them. Yet the thief manger to lose everyone but the Captain of the Guard.

The man and horse were right on his tail. "We got him now, Maximus." The thief yet manage to avoid them and grabbing a vine. Stopping a few feet ahead. The girl watches as he knocks the guard off Maximus.

The thief lands on the horse's back. Only within seconds the horse stops. "Come on flea bag forwards." Yet she snickers as Maximus tries to snatch the satchel back. Man and horse fighting over it. Moving slower now she raised an eyebrow as the satchel flew from the thief's hand and onto a tree.

Quickly they raced for it. One tripping up the other trying to get the satchel first. The girl had to admit. This morning was very interesting.  Then a creaking sound made her straighten.

Stepping out of the forest. The girl was wearing a light green shirt with sewn brown patches on her shoulders. A light brown vest. With black pants and brown boots, along with  her brown gloves gripping her satchel.

Both the man and the horse were now on an old tree. As the creecking grew louder. "Hey! Guys, get off that tree!" She shouts out.

"Ha!" The man said grabbing the bag. Noticing the younger teen. Was shouting out to them. "What?" He shouts back. Maximus looks over too... "I SAID.." *Snap*  and just like that the two vanished over the edge.

Running to the edge. She glances down. Sighing she mutters. "Why does no one listen to me. Better go check on them." Stepping back. Then runs. Taking the place of the girl a huge wolf leaps down the slope.

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Landing the 8 foot tall wolf black shifts back into the girl. And hurried off in search of the two morons. Pushing some ivy from a cave like entrance. Sound of feet running made her look to see the man was still in one piece. Which means the horse was fine too.

Stepping into the ivy she watched the man jump into a bush next to her. The horse cave by next sniffing the ground like a dog.  As it walks by the man steps out and sighs. Quickly she snags his arm causing him to gasp. The horse races back.  "Wha-who are you-" "shh." She scolds pressing her arm against him. The girl watches as the horse leave.

With a sigh. "So, wha— where did he go?" She blinks realizing the man had fled. She then walks through the cave entrance and enters a huge open area. A waterfall fell behind a huge tower in the center. "Whoa. How long has this been here?" She asked out loud. But before she could get any closer. Another set of footsteps came. Quickly she ducks behind a huge bush and watches.

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Meanwhile in the tower. Flynn had managed to escape capture. But not for long. Because within seconds of entering. Someone hit him over the head with a frying pan.

Rapunzel looks at him curiously. Unsure what to do. Using the manikin she moves in to get a closer look. Tapping him with her frying pan, she then looks over to Pascal. The chameleon just shrugs. So she turns his face. As Pascal walks over to the drawing of a man with pointy teeth. And turns red mimicking it.

But when Rapnuzel looks. His teeth weren't pointed and were the same as her own. Mother Gothel told her men had sharp pointy teeth but this one didn't. Mezzanine by this she was startled as he woke up. So on instinct she hit him out cold once again.

After a few failed attempts to hide him. She managed to shut him in the closet and pushed a chair under the handles to keep it shut. "Okay, okay, okay. I've got a person in my closet. I've got a person in my closet." Rapnuzel  began to realize what she had done. "I've got a person in my closet!"

Joy filled her. She managed to hold her own against a stranger. Laughing.  "Too weak to handle myself out there, huh, Mother?" Tossing her frying pan from one hand to other. "Well, tell that to my frying pan." She's spinning it only to hit her head with it.

"Huh?" Rapnuzel then noticed the satchel on the ground. Inside something shiny catches her eye. Walking over she pulls it out. A gold crown with jewels now laid in her hands. Yet she didn't know what it was.

"Hmm." Rapnuzel then slips it onto her wrist. But it was too big. Pascal shook his head. 'No' "Hmm." Removing it she looks through it. Pascal was reflecting back from the jewels and once more shakes his head, 'no.'

So this time she turns facing the mirror and slowly put the crown on her head. Making herself look like a princess. Pascal stared in awe but only shakes his head, no.'

Then Mother Gothel's voice rang out from below."Rapnuzel!" Gasping Rapnuzel quickly hides everything. "Let down your hair!" She calls up. Rapnuzel races to the window.

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