Ch. 8 - Christopher Check Up

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It wasn't until Friday night that she found the opportunity to talk with Christopher about Redwood. Evelyn had been trying to subtly bring up the topic for several days, but the three teen Mountain Peak males tended to avoid that topic altogether – which she understood. So, she had to wait for the topic to come up naturally. In this instance, it was a good thing that they all liked to hang out in the living room till late into the night.

Christopher sat sprawled over the arms of the old worn leather armchair, continuing to refuse to sit the right way in a chair. His lanky limbs resembling that of a young tree. Fangs poked out behind thin lips as wolf magic rose at the mention of Redwood among the group.

"I'd rather not talk about those fuckers." Christopher said from over the side of his chair.

"Dude – they tried to claim neutral territory again out by Bob's." Alex said from his sprawled-out position on the ground.  His eyes lit amber with wolf; and his wolf magic picked up around him, reaching towards Christopher and Evelyn.

"No." Christopher shot up in his chair to stare at him while Don gave his affirmative from the kitchen. Christopher's dominance began to fill the room. Evelyn had to hold in her little snicker as Alex's hair visibly smoothed out as his nerves calmed down from his group's little "alpha's" reassurance.

"Is that why they tried to push Toni and I out of Walmart last week?" Evelyn asked from her corner of the couch. Both boys in the living room turned to face her with insistent presses of their magic against her as she heard frantic scrambling from the kitchen.

"They did what?" Don growled, fangs showing as he appeared in the doorway. His frantic breathing reminded Evelyn of a small pup having just finished a run across the yard. His submissive magic puffing and sharp in his outrage.  

The others had growls rumbling in their chest and wolf in their eyes. Evelyn glanced around at the teens, taking in their reaction. Clearly this had been happening for a while – they spoke as if this was a continuous battle. But, there perhaps was a recent escalation, or – Evelyn glanced around at the furious teen wolfs before her - there was about to be.

Evelyn nodded as she formed her response. While she wanted her pack to be informed, she remembered her own conflicts in Highschool with Redwood members. They had been brutal and filled with pushes for dominance made more tense due to both packs of teens holding alphas. The groups now did not but that didn't make it safer. Dominants were just as dangerous as alphas against each other.

"Yeah, a dominant and submissive tried to run Toni and I out of Walmart." Evelyn said, snuggling under her blanket further as she tried to shake off her anxiousness to know.

"Jacob did what?" Christopher said, his eyes lighting up bright hazel with wolf as he checked her over. The pool of his magic deepened in the room. "I swear I'm going to rip him apart. He didn't hurt you, did he Luna?"

Evelyn watched Christopher for a moment. He knew who it was by just that brief description? It has been a long war indeed.

"No, I just had to let my wolf forward, and they scampered away with their tails between their legs. But not before mentioning you." Evelyn let her own wolf come forward as she spoke to help calm down her pack. The air became heavy with their wolf magic, and she watched the boys visibly relax when her magic softly brushed against them.

"Those fuckers," Don snapped as he finally settled at his end of the couch. A frazzled ball of fluffed hair and bared teeth.

Alex got up from the floor and was by her side in a second. He rubbed cheeks with her, letting out a self-soothing purr; as she let her wolf magic surround him in reassurance. Christopher followed suit as soon as he moved back to his space on the floor. Don leaned over from his end of the couch to do the same.

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