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Everything in here feels foreign, the fireplace that sets the mood up, the cheap coffee that Lisa offered and most especially someone who would listen and won't judge

"Why?" Lisa asked

"What?" I answered

"Why were you planning on ending things?" she clarified

"I was just-" I once was lost for words

"It's okay if you don't want to open up" she said

Silence, it wasn't an awkward silence it was just silence

"By the way how were you able to find this cabin?" she asked again

"I walked" Lisa's eyes went from big to giant

"You walked?! From where the city?!" she sounded too panicky

I giggled

"No, my car broke in the middle of nowhere" I explained and she let out  breath

"Why here?" I asked "is this your grandparents house?" I curiously continued

"Nope, I just bought this house on my own and to be frank, you're the first one to know this place" she smiled

"It's my honor" I smiled back

"Of course, it should be. I didn't bought this house for nothing" she winked and I gasped

"Perv" I said and laughed. This conversation was so natural

It was so relieving that I got to talk to someone who doesn't need money or want money but she just wants a conversation

And I smiled to that thought

"Why are you smiling?" she asked me and my resting bitch face returned back

"Whoa whoa easy there, didn't want to see that look again but you know smiley face suits you" she said

"I was born to impress the world" I whispered

She was quiet for  a moment, trying to process the thing I said. I guess

"We all are born to do something for the world" she said

"Then what are you born for?" I asked, challenging to answer her own statement

"I was born to listen to you" and I was not kidding. My heart thump so loudly on my chest when she said that

"Even just for a day" she smiled sadly as she continued "so tell me everything about you"

I smiled and decided to tell her everything

"So where do I start..."


"Wow" was all she can say the moment I finished my whole story from the day I was thought to ride a horse instead of a bicycle

"Yeah" I smiled, feeing somewhat relive that someone listened to me for the first time with no judgement

Don't get me wrong, I always had Jisoo but I didn't want to tell her everything everything like how detailed I told the story of my life to the stranger in front of me with an empty mug on her front

"And here I thought I was cursed" she smiled

"Listen Jennie" ohmygoodness the way she said my name "I know that it is very hard to live with your life but always remember that the longer we struggle the better the outcome will be"

"I doubt that" I said honestly and she smiled

"Just don't give up on living, you made it this far and I know that you'll survive each passing obstacle that will go through you" she said and she reached her hands out and placed it on my cheek

I closed my eyes and lean to her touch, until my phone rings and that was when I cleared my throat awkwardly and reached through my bag

"Didn't know there's signal here" I said and yet again she smiled

"It's 3am!" I panicked

"Yeah, you can just stay here for the night"

"No!" I answered too immediately which caught Lisa off guard but quickly composed "I can't miss a single day at work, I just. I just can't"

"Okay, I'll drive you" she said way too calmly

"No it's late, and the drive to town is long" I said

"Listen, it's late at night and there's no way you can hail a cab here plus it would take you around 3 hours more if you'll get a personal driver from your company so I insist that I'll drive you"

"But it's too much of a hassle" I said speaking honestly

"Then, let's just say that it is my appreciation gift for accompanying me this night" she said

"It might be our last" she said and I hated to admit that my new found friend can be out of sight in an instant so I agreed



"Here wear a helmet" she handed me her  matte black helmet with a black tint on its visor

"What about you?" I asked as I noticed she only has one helmet

"I enjoy the cool air" she winked "oh yeah how about your car?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll send someone tomorrow to check on it" I said

"You mean today right?" she chuckled

"Yeah i forgot that it's already morning" I smiled

"Helmet" she said

I placed it on my head not knowing what to do which earned a chuckle from Lisa

She reached out the helmet and placed it around my head securely and I felt my cheek heat up from the sight, she was so beautiful

She then hopped on her motor bike and urged me to sit at her back

"Hold tight" she said as she grabbed both of my arms and wrapped it around her waist

She then started the engine and off we go


I don't know how but I was so comfortable riding with Lisa with my hands wrapped around her waist and my head pressed on her back and how her vanilla scent engulfed my nostrils

We arrived at my penthouse and I hopped off from her bike and remove my helmet

I extended it to her and she took the helmet out of my hands and put it around her head

She looks hot on her black shirt and black motor bike and matte black helmet. Everything around her screams perfection

"So I guess this is goodbye" she said as she took her helmet off again and went to stand in front of me

"I wanted to this since earlier" she said before placing a tender loving kiss on my forehead that caused me to close my eyes at the sensation 

After the kiss she again placed her helmet on her head and started the engine

"Wait!" I said and she looked at me

"Your hoodie" I said as I was about to take it off from me but she held me wrist

"Keep it, remembrance" she said and gave me another wink

This girl, I swear I'll die from her winks

I just smiled at her "Goodbye Jennie, take care" she said

I smiled at her and she smiled back that was when she put her visor down and reeve her engine and with one last wave she was off

From a distance I can still see her disappearing figure

"Goodbye, thank you for the wonderful night" I said hoping that she can still hear me despite the distance between us already

But I hope we'll meet again soon

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