Chapter 29: Going to the museum

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Later on around 12:30 PM, the ALDC were outside of the hotel ready to go to one of the museums in Chicago, but they didn't know which one they preferred the most.

"All right, which museum do you all want to go to? The Field Museum that's across from Soldier Field or the Museum of Science and Industry?" Abby asked the girls and the moms, they started talking at the same time saying either the Field Museum or the Museum of Science & Industry.

"Whoa, whoa! I have a better idea!" Gianna yelled. "How about we take a vote on which museum that you want to go to?" She suggested as the girls and their moms all agreed, then she turned her attention to Andrew and Abby. "Andrew, Miss Abby? you can ask them."

"Ok, for those who want to go to the Field Museum next to Soldier Field, please say aye!" Abby said.

"Aye!" Payton, Nia, Mackenzie, Kendall, Brooke, Leslie, Holly and Jill said, raising their hands.

"For those who want to go to the Museum of Science & Industry on 57th Street, please say aye." Andrew added again

"Aye!" Maddie, Chloe, Paige, Asia, Melissa, Christi, Kelly, Gianna and Kristie all raised their hands, which finishes the vote that was suggested.

"Then it's settled! By just one vote, The Museum of Science and Industry it is!" Andrew declared as he, the girls, his mom and girlfriend all walked to find a way to get to the Museum.

"Andrew, how are gonna get there?" Maddie asked the younger miller.

"We can either get on the #10 Museum Science & Industry Bus, which goes down Lake Shore Drive and it would take us there and we would be at the entrance immediately or we could take the Metra Electric Train and get off at the 55th-56th-57th street station, but we would have to walk two blocks to get to the museum."

"Let's take the bus!" Asia suggested, then the other girls agreed with her and even the moms agreed to ride the bus to the museum.

"Ok, let's do it!" Abby shouted as they all walked to the bus stop and waited for the #10 Museum Of Science & Industry and a 60 foot bus appeared, which gave them enough room and they boarded the bus and paid their fare.

28 minutes later, the bus pulled up to the large museum and everyone got off and looked at the building. It was an amazing museum as the bus they just got off were loading other passengers, then they walked in and got their passes.

"Girls, remember to be on your best behavior while we are in the museum." Andrew warned strictly and the girls nodded.

"This place has every exhibit that you can ever know." Melissa told the other moms.

"Yep, i wonder if there's a submarine in here." Kristie wondered.

"From what i've read, there is a submarine names the U-505 Submarine, it is the only German submarine in the USA." Holly told them.

"I want to see the Idea Factory, so we could give Abby some ideas on how to beat the candy apples." Kelly stated.

"How about we go to Swiss Jolly Ball?" Jill asked, but no one paid any attention to her.

"Let's split up into groups, Gianna, you take Brooke, Paige, Nia, Kendall. Andrew and i will take Maddie, Mackenzie, Chloe, Asia and Payton. Moms, you stay together and we'll meet back when it's time to go." Abby said.

"Got it." Gianna said as she, Brooke, Paige, Nia and Kendall all headed in one direction as Abby, Andrew, Maddie, Mackenzie, Chloe, Asia and Payton all went another direction while the moms headed off.

"Where do you guys want to go first since we're on the main level on the museum? We can either go to Treasures of the Walt Disney Archives, Yesterday's Main Street, The Coal Mine, Numbers in Nature: A Mirror Maze, ToyMaker 3000: An Adventure in Automation, Science Storms, Transportation Gallery, Genetics and the Baby Chick Hatchery, Fast Forward...Inventing the Future, Earth Revealed or Whispering Gallery?" Abby asked them.

"Let's go to the ToyMaker 3000!" Mackenzie suggested.

"Yeah, i agree with Kenzie. Let's see how toys are being made in a futuristic style!" Payton added, then they all walked to the Exhibit and saw that it had eight interactive stations, 12 moving robots, and a 2,000-square-foot automated assembly line that can assemble 300 toy tops per hour.

"What does scan mean?" Chloe asked, looking at a scanner.

"Chlo, that scanner makes you your own personal gravitron toy top with your name, you can choose it's color and you can watch it be constructed." Andrew explained.

"That's amazing! This museum is fantastic!" Asia exclaimed.

"It sure is, i took Andrew here before when he was a kid and we were here in Chicago for a competition." Abby stated.

Meanwhile, on the balcony level, Gianna was walking with Brooke, Paige, Nia and Kendall and they were getting off the elevator, which was in the middle of the red stairs.

"I didn't know this museum had colored stairs." Paige observed after they got off the elevator.

"From what Andrew told me, this museum has Red Stairs, Yellow Stairs, Blue Stairs and Green Stairs." Nia said.

"How did you know that?" Brooke asked.

"Miss Abby brought him here a few times when he was a kid."

"Wow, i bet she took him to so many exhibits here." Kendall said as they them saw a Plane sitting, which was an United Airlines 727 that was in an old paint scheme, so they walked onboard and looked around the plane.

"Did you girls realize that this plane was placed in this museum in 1994 after it was retired from being in service for years?" Gianna told them as they were admiring the plane.

Back at the main level, Abby and Andrew were coming out of the Numbers in Nature: A Mirror Maze as Maddie, Mackenzie, Asia, Chloe and Payton were behind them.

"Whoo, that was an impressive maze, Mom." Andrew said.

"You know it, there were a lot of digital displays and stations that allowed us to see even more patterns in nature." Abby replied to her son.

"It was good, that should be called the digital maze." Mackenzie stated.

"Where do you want to go next?" Payton asked.

"Let's head to the lower level, i want to see the largest pinball called Swiss Jolly Ball." Chloe said.

"Me too." Asia agreed, then they all headed to the exhibit and enjoyed it.

After spending two hours, it was time for them to leave and they met up with the moms and the others.

"Did everybody have a good time?" Gianna asked.

"Yeah!" The girls cheered as the adults smiled, then they got on the #6 Jackson Park Express bus that would take them back downtown to the hotel, which took 20-25 minutes, then they arrived at the hotel and were looking tired and around 10:30 PM, they all turned in for the night, with Chloe and Payton spending the night in Andrew's hotel room, they slept on the sofa while Andrew was in the bed asleep.

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