Chapter 23: Andrew's Awakening and Homecoming

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Two weeks had passed and it was a early sunday morning that started the second week, the date was July 21st, which was the day after regionals and it was the girls' week off as the sun shined brightly through the windows of the Hospital as Abby awoke from her sleep in her son's room. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. Then after stretching, she gazed at the comatose form of Andrew on the Hospital bed and held his hand.

Then all of a sudden to her shock, Abby felt her hand being softly squeezed and a groan was heard from Andrew as his eyes slowly, but surely opened, then he turned his head slowly to the left to see his mother next to the bed.

"Hi," Andrew said, weakly after just awakening from the coma he was in, thanks to the car accident he had that put him in a coma and totaled his convertible.

Abby's shocked expression turned into a overjoyed expression at seeing her son look at her again, she looked into his tired green eyes, the same eyes he got from her. Then Abby felt tears slide down her face as she was very relieved to hear Andrew's voice again as she leaned over and gave her son a hug, who weakly returned the hug.

"My baby is awake." Abby sobbed happily as she smiled at her son, the two weeks he was in the coma, everyone at the studio was saddened and thought about him, but now that he's awake, her happy mood returned as Andrew slowly reached to wipe Abby's tears.

"Don't cry, mom. I'm your warrior and warriors never die, they are immortal and the toughest people in the world."

"You sure are my warrior, you've been my warrior since you were born and i'm not crying because i'm sad, but i'm crying because i'm happy you're out of your coma. I'll be back, i'm gonna go tell a doctor that you're awake."

"Ok." He whispered as Abby got up from her chair and left the room to tell a doctor that her son was awake and a minute later a doctor came in with Abby behind him.

"Good to know that you're awake. You slipped in a coma after you had your car accident and injured your scapula and the fifth lumbar vertebrae. Also, the injuries i just listed weren't bad as we all thought, so in about three to four days, you can go home." The doctor explained.

"Thanks." Andrew replied, the doctor gave a smile and he left, then the younger miller looked at his mom. "How long was my coma, Mom?"

"You were in a coma for two weeks and the girls, the moms and your girlfriend were very sad through these two weeks." Abby told him.

"Did they go to any competitions like always?"

"Yes they did, but i decided to stay with you and check on you. Yesterday was Regionals, it was held in our old home Pittsburgh. The girls did a fantastic job, they beat Cathy. In the solo division, Paige got first, Chloe got second and Brooke got third. In the duet, Nia and Asia got first place. and in the group dance, the girls got first place. Also, last saturday they went to Starpower in San Diego and all of their dances were dedicated to you." Abby explained.

"That's why i love the girls, i missed being around them while i was in my coma." Andrew smiled.

"They missed you too, from what Gianna told me that Asia started crying during the group dance rehearsal because she missed you and the other girls tried to comfort her but they cried too, Paige and Chloe cried in the den and Gianna herself cried thinking about you. Even the moms didn't cause any trouble with Gianna while i was checking on you."

"Here's an idea, when i'm cleared to go home, we can surprise them and they can bake cookies and a cake for you, and when we get there, you can tell the girls that you have a surprise for them and that's where i'll come in."

"Sounds like a plan." Abby smiled at the suggestion that her son made.

"Sorry if i had you scared. And i also learned a huge lesson, never drive in the rain unless i'm driving slowly or at a decent speed and now my convertible i got for my 22nd birthday is now in the scrapyard."

"It's ok, it wasn't your fault, it was the rain slicked road of Biscayne Blvd that caused you to crash." Abby reassured him. "And also, you bought a Van as your secondary vehicle."

"Oh yeah, i remember that." Andrew stated.

Three days later, Andrew Miller was finally cleared to go home. The cuts that were on his arms had healed and also his scapula and the fifth lumbar vertebrae had healed so quickly too, to the surprise of the doctors and nurses and it was 9:00 AM and on the second day that Andrew was out of his coma, Abby brought Maryen to the hospital to see her grandson, Maryen was overjoyed that he was out of his coma.

Abby arrived at the hospital with some clothes for Andrew to change into and she took an elevator to the third floor, then she entered the room as Andrew was beginning to stir. Then she walked over to him and pulled out a feather and began to tickle his nose to wake him up as she was holding her giggles in and Andrew was waking up and seeing Abby with a feather.

"Good Morning, mom." Andrew chuckled.

"Morning, son." Abby replied.

"You've always had your ways of waking me up, huh?"

"You know it, remember when you were 11, i woke you up with an airhorn?"

"Yep, your reaction was funny and i think you got that from me because i recall one time three years ago, you woke up Maddie and Mackenzie with an drum."

"Yeah, that was so funny! I'm gonna take a shower and get dressed and then we'll be on the way to my house." Andrew stated as he gave Abby a kiss on her cheek and walked in the bathroom with the clothes that his mother brought for him as the nurse entered.

"Where is he?" The nurse asked Abby when she noticed that Andrew wasn't in his bed.

"He is in the bathroom just getting ready to leave for home today."

"Can you tell Andrew that i love seeing him on Dance Moms?"

"Would you like to tell him yourself?" Abby said pointing toward the door that was opening.

When the bathroom door opened, the nurse turned around and saw the handsome looking son of Abby. He was not wearing a hospital gown, instead he was dressed up in a black Miami Marlins Jersey, A-Shirt, Black Jogging Pants and Converse Chuck Taylor shoes. His hair was slicked back in a ponytail, he wasn't looking like the same young man that was in a two week coma and lying in the hospital bed, he looked refreshed and stronger than ever.

The nurse looked like she was about to faint as she felt weak at the knees at seeing Andrew looking like his old self again, his smile made women swoon as he walked up to her.

"Ma'am, thanks for all of your help while i was in my coma." Andrew stated as he gave the nurse a hug.

"You're welcome and my daughter is a huge fan of yours whenever she watches Dance Moms." The nurse said with a blush on her face and after Andrew let go of the hug.

"Tell her i said she's an awesome fan." Andrew said let the nurse get ready to leave and help another patient as the nurse nodded, then she left. Then Andrew looked at his mom, who had the biggest smile on her face.

"There's the hansome Andrew i love to see." Abby remarked as she looked at her son looking handsome again after that car crash that put him in a coma.

Andrew had to laugh. "Now i can get hugged by you without any machines getting in my way." He said, then he noticed saw Abby opening her arms and walked into his mom's arms as she began to rock him as Andrew hugged her back.

"I missed giving you hugs." Abby lovingly said as she was hugging her son and she started to sing You Are The Sunshine Of My Life and it made Andrew smile because it was one of his favorite songs because it cheered him up whenever he was feeling blue.

"That song and your hugs never gets old."

"You're correct on that." Abby said, ending her singing and let her son go. "Are you ready to go Home?"

"Yes i am."

Andrew walked over and grabbed his bag of stuff that Abby packed for him and then the two walked out of the hospital room as Abby wrapped an arm around her son's neck and headed down the hall to the elevator. Abby had paid her son's hospital bill as they got on the elevator and it took them to the lobby, then they headed to the parking lot and got in Abby's car as they pulled out of the parking lot.

"The girls, their moms, Gianna, the whole studio and the fans missed you dearly." Abby told him.

"I missed them, too." Andrew stated. "I bet they are gonna be so happy to see that i'm out of my coma and healthier than before."

"They sure will."

"Who missed me the most besides you, grandma and Gia?"

"Brooke, Paige and Kelly missed you the most because you're very close to them and ever since you helped Paige win the national title two years ago, Kelly and I have been getting along and having less verbal fights even though we have a history since her last name was Kuhn." Abby replied, then the song that came on the radio was Paradise by Sade.

"I remember this song!" Andrew excitedly said.

"Me too, we used to dance to this song a lot and also, you got excited when i sang this to you when you were little." Abby smiled as they both began to sing the song.

Minutes later, Abby pulled into the driveway of Andrew's house and carefully parked and sitting outside on the porch were the moms and Gianna, who were talking about Nationals and then when the car stopped, all of their eyes had widened in stunned shock when she saw Andrew get out of the passenger side.

"Andrew!" Gianna screamed in joy as she ran over to him and gave her boyfriend a big hug and gave him a big kiss because she hadn't seen him since he was in that car crash that put him in a coma two weeks ago and after they broke the kiss, she looked at him as Abby smiled at the romantic moment. "I missed you so much!"

"Hello, GiGi. I missed you too and your kisses as well." Andrew stated with a smile on his face and when his girlfriend let go, he looked over at Melissa and the other moms, who were beaming at seeing him back.

"Hello, there."

Melissa walked over to him and was the first to give him a hug. "Hi, Andrew! It's so great to see you back and well!"

"Thanks, it's great to see you too." Andrew replied, then Holly, Kelly, Christi, Jill, Leslie and Kristie all ran towards his direction and they all hugged him.

"We missed you so much!" Leslie said.

"It was lonely without you and we were all sad." Holly added.

"Yeah, but now that you're out of your coma, we're all happy again! but i bet the girls are gonna be very happy that you're back to your old self, despite being in a coma." Kelly stated with a huge grin on her face.

"Are you ready to see the girls?" Abby asked.

"You know it." Andrew replied.

Then Abby and Andrew headed inside to surprise the girls as Gianna and the moms decided to stay outside.

In the kitchen of the house, the girls had just finished baking a cake and cookies and they had them on the table as Abby walked in the kitchen and noticed she had a huge smile on her face.


"Yes, Miss Abby?" They all said.

"Look who's back!" Abby stated as she moved to the side as Andrew came in and he stood there in the entryway as the girls gasped at seeing Andrew and they all screamed in joy and ran towards him.

"Andrew, you're back!" Paige said as she was the first one to run to him and gave him a hug, which Andrew returned by hugging her back.

"Great to see you too, Paigey Mack." Then the other girls all joined in on the hug, nearly tackling him to the ground, they were very happy to see Andrew on his feet again as they all had happy tears drip down their faces as they hugged him. "I missed you all so much!"

"Not as much as we missed you, Andy!" Asia shouted, sniffling, it was a reunion that they were all enjoying because Andrew considers them the sisters he never had and after they.

"Do you want some cookies?" Maddie asked Andrew.

"No, thanks, i'll be fine."

Abby looked out of the window with the moms and Gianna as they saw Andrew and the girls just sitting in the backyard, it was finally a happy mood since the day before Andrew had his car accident on that rainy day that put him in the two week coma.

"Candy apples had solos? who got them?"

"At regionals, Cathy had Zack, Hadley and Nicaya do solos, but they didn't even place." Brooke said.

"No surprise there, that shows cathy sucks because she always has to hire choreographers!" Andrew stated.

"And did we forget to tell you at regionals, we saw our old friend Sophia Lucia? she asked about you, because she heard that you were in a coma." Kendall added.

"Oh, does anyone know where Nationals is gonna be held at this year?" Andrew asked.

"Well Miss Gia told us that Nationals is going to be held in Chicago, Illinois." Maddie answered, then the girls all looked at him with grins on their faces.

"I thinks he needs to be tickled!" Mackenzie suggested. "Get him!"

"Oh, no!" Andrew shouted as he started to run from the girls, who were chasing him, then eventually, Brooke jumped on his back when they got closer, then he was tackled down and the girls started to tickle him. "Get off me!"

"No can do, Andrew!" Payton grinned evilly as they continued to tickle him as laughter was heard all around the backyard, just like old times before the coma as Andrew was laughing the hardest from being tickled.

The sound of hearing Andrew's voice again was grammy winning music to the ears of Abby, Gianna, The Moms and The Girls, they missed hearing his voice because they knew that he can turn a negative situation into a positive situation.

In the kitchen an hour later, Gianna was making lunch as Abby, Kelly, Melissa and Andrew were all just sitting down and the lunch was being made were sandwiches. one of the Sandwiches had lettuce, tomato, cheese, salami and that was being made for Andrew.

Then, Mackenzie walked into the kitchen to look for a bag of chips. "Miss Abby, have you seen where the--HEY!"

Her eyes locked upon the Doritos Cool Ranch bag that Andrew was holding. Her eyes slid over to Andrew, who had a sheepish look on his face. "Umm, i gotta make a run for the express!" Andrew exclaimed as he raced to the back door with the bag chips in his hand.

Mackenzie was quick to chase him with an evil grin and eat all of the chips when she got them from him. "Get back here with the chips, i want them all! I'LL GET THOSE CHIPS, ANDREW!"

Abby, Gianna, Kelly and Melissa all busted up in uncontrollable laughter.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Maddie watched her younger sister chase the brown long haired young man across the backyard in her attempt to get the bag of chips from Andrew, she couldn't help but laugh as Payton and Asia watched with her. "That's the Andrew that we all missed."

"You got that." Payton chuckled. "Did you know Andrew is the fastest runner out of all of us?"

"I didn't know Andrew could run that fast, did he take track when he was in high school?" Asia asked, with an amazed look on her face as she saw him run very fast as Mackenzie tried to catch him, them two minutes later, she came in after failing to get the chips from Andrew.

"I can't catch him." Mackenzie panted, after she had failed in catching Andrew. "He's faster than a rabbit."

"Lunch is ready!" Christi shouted, then everybody ran inside and saw the sandwiches were ready to be eaten and everyone began to eat, Andrew's taste buds were dancing because he missed eating actual food while in his coma and later that night, the moms asked if the girls wanted to stay with Andrew for the week, they said yes and that night, they all fell asleep and it was great having him back.

Just Another Dance Season (Sequel to I Can't Find The Words, Dance Moms Fic)Where stories live. Discover now