No More Secrets

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Daylight cracked trough the window curtains. I quickly, yet quietly, closed them so Steve and Logan didn't awake. I tiptoed to my drawer and got out clean jeans and a white tee shirt. To make sure there would be no "interruptions", I wrote a quick note telling everyone we were just out. I opened the front door and jogged towards the tree line. I didn't count on how chilly it would be, I regretted not brining a sweater. I arrived and saw Mallory's silhouette on the horizon. I jogged up and she handed me a sweatshirt and cup of hot chocolate.
"How'd you know? Have a vision?" I teased.
She tensed up. "Yes actually."
Oops. "Oh..."
"It's fine. Can we find a place to sit?" I agreed and we found a fallen tree with mist covering the moss. The rays of the rising sun got caught in the treetops and sent a golden coloring on our spot. I sat down and she sat with me.
"So, what did you wanna talk about?" I tried to sound as casual as usual, but my voice cracked.
"I figured I should finish some things that I started. First, I'll tell you about the thing I was saying the day we were put in the health camp." She took a sip from her cup and continued.
"I-my... My powers killed my family."
Reruns of Looney Tunes played on the TV. A nine year old girl with strawberry blond hair and icy eyes was coloring in a coloring book. A woman was on a couch in the same room cradling a young baby girl.
"Mama, can I hold her again?" The nine year old asked.
"Not now Mallory, she's sleeping."
Mallory frowned, but continued to color. A tall man walks trough the door with a sixteen year old boy.
"Get anything boys?" The woman asks them.
"We," the man puts his arm around his son's shoulder. "We are men!" The woman rolls her eyes and turns her care towards the baby.
Suddenly, she hears the snap of crayons. Her oldest daughter, Mallory, is on the floor. She shivers and shakes uncontrollably. "Lars, she's having another one!" The woman calls to her husband. The man rushes to the living room with medication.
"I think these meds do nothing..." He grumbles as he pops out four pink pills. He feeds them to the girl, but she continues to shake.
"Oh dear... I think we need to take her to the hospital!" The woman yells. The boy already has the car keys.
"Mommy," the girl moans. "This is the worst-" she's cut off by herself. A blast of energy goes off her, causing the family to be blasted against the wall. The baby whines and cries.
"M-Mallory?" The father asks.
"Daddy! Help me!" Another surge of energy. The girl levitates and a glowing orb surrounds her.
"Hold on!" The boy yells. He takes a step towards the door, but a force holds him back. The whole family gets picked up off the ground all bloodied and bruised. The ceiling caves in and circles the young girl, and so does her family. The young girl weeps and the family yells in horror.
"Mommy! Daddy! What's happening? I wanna color again!" The light that was cast around her grows and grows.
It dims for a second, and in that second the mom and dad yell one word. "Mallory!" The light shines brighter than ever and a huge blast of power surges. The cries stop. The girls lands on her feet.
But now she's alone.
"And that's what my nightmare was about. A vision of when I killed them." Mallory finished her story.
My mouth gaped open and Mallory cried. "I killed them... Little Suzy, Joey, Mom, Dad..." He face went pale. "Oh God Zee... I'm a murderer..."
I looked at Mallory and said what I truly thought. "Why?"
She blinked. "Excuse me?"
Sadness built up within me. "Why did you kill them?"
Mallory's sadness quickly turned to rage. "You think- I killed them... ON PURPOSE!?" Her face reddened with anger. "You really think I went psycho crazy and MURDERED MY WHOLE FAMILY!"
I didn't mean for me to ask that. I was to stunned. "Wait- no! That's not what I-"
"Oh, that's not what you meant! What did you mean to say? Huh!" Tears rolled uncontrollably from her eyes. She gritted her teeth with rage, then pushed me to the ground.
"WHAT THE HELL ZEE!" She kicked me in the side.
"WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!" She kicked me again.
"WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT!" She spat in my face.
But what she said next was the one that hurt the most. "I HATE YOU!" She rose her fist as I flinched. After waiting a minute, pain didn't come. I opened my eyes and saw Mallory on the ground. She was crying and coughing.
"I'm sorry..." She choked. "Damn. What's wrong with me! Damn..." Truthfully, the kicks didn't hurt. The words did.
I crawled over to her and threw her in a hug. "Shh, I'm okay. It's okay."
She opened her eyes. She looked so weak in my arms. She buried her face deep in my chest. "I'll tell you a story." I suggested. She looked up again. "A story about the abnormal boy named Zee." And so for the next hour, I told her all about my oddness. Yes, I might have hinted towards it before. But this time I actually told her.
"So, I'm not the only one?" She asked at the end.
"Not really, no." I replied. She smiled and tackled me to the ground.
"I'm not the only one! I'm not alone!" She cheered.
I laughed and looked in her eyes. She did the same. "You'll never be alone again." I promised her. I became serious.
"Mallory Jones, I love you."

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