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The bell rang, it was the end of the school day. I packed up my notebooks and watched the temperature drop as I left the room. Today I noticed it dropped THREE degrees instead of two. Oh well.

I went to my locker and got my books bag out. Just as I was about to shut my locker,it slammed shut. I was surprised as I looked around. There was no one there except for Mallory.

"What the..." I said to her. She was just walking up, so how did my locker close?

"What?" She asked, her eyes widened. Seriously, those eyes put me in a trance until she asked again and blinked. "What?"

"Oh, I-um, my locker just slammed on its own." When I said that, she jumped a little.

"Oh... Sorry, that must've been on my part." She apologized. Her icy eyes looked glazed with tears.

"What do you mean?" I asked stepping forward and dared out my hand on her shoulder. She looked up.

"You mean, you don't know?" When a confused look crossed my freckled face, she sighed with relief. "Oh, thank-!" She stopped. "I mean, let's go."

I was about to ask what she meant, but her eyes made me follow. Mental note: control myself over those eyes.


We walked in silence. This was the first day she walked with me since my mom called her. We turned on the street I get beaten up on, that I now call Friendly Street, and she stopped.

"You okay Mallory?" I asked with concern in my voice. Her face flickered from a frozen state to pain. She put her hands to her head and hunched over in pain. "M-Mallory?" She tumbled to the icy ground and I picked her up. Her eyes were shut hard. "Do you need... Help?" I was just about to guide her to somewhere, anywhere safe when her eyes opened.

"Oh, um. Sorry about that. I'm fine, really. But we need to go, now." She rushed her words.

"Wha-what?" I was beyond confused. Puzzled maybe?

She glanced past my shoulder and repeated herself. "I said we need to go, NOW!" An ice cycle whizzed by my head by an inch. I turned and saw Josh with his friends.

"Shit!" Mallory grabbed my shoulder and took off. We went down the street with more ice flying by.

"Go left!" she ordered. I obeyed and we sprinted. As we turned, I looked over and saw Josh, Mike and Joey on bikes. They would surly catch up with us soon, and so would the damage.

"Oh no..." I heard Mallory as I swiveled my head in her direction. I saw what she meant. A dead end.

She turned to me. "Stay here. Okay?"

I was baffled. "What?! What are you-"

Her eyes flared. "Damn it, I said stay here!" I stepped back, clearly looking hurt.

"Please. Just stay here." she whispered.

She walked to the end of the ally and turned.

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