First Day

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I awoke to the sound of a kazoo. Wait, a kazoo? I lifted my head up and saw Steve playing away. "Wake up sleepyheads!" he took one more deep breath and blew hard in the instrument.
"Mmm, five more minuets..." I herd Logan groan. Rose and Lilly shifted it

Mallory stayed put. "No." she said in her sleep. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! Please, come back!" I jumped out of bed and woke her from her nightmare. "Guah!" she feel out of her bed.
"Woah, sorry!" I went to her side and pulled her on for a hug.
Lilly sat up and looked at us. "So you two dating or something?"
Mallory used her powers to peel away. "What? No! We're just friends!" I won't lie. That stung a bit...
"Yeah yeah, couple or not. We have to get ready for our day." Rose interrupted. No one disagreed. If we did, we'd probably get pounded.
Fifteen minuets later, a yell came from the girls outside the bathroom. "Come on, you guys take forever!" Lilly called from outside the bathroom door.
"Excuse me for doing my hair!" Logan called back.
"Shut up Logan." Rose called. Me and the other two boys opened the door and stepped out. I didn't put on a shirt yet so that we wouldn't get yelled at more.
"Took you guys long-" Mallory spoke but stopped mid sentence when she saw me shirtless. "Uhhh..."
"Way to go Muscles, you broke her. Come on Mallory." Rose pulled her in the bathroom and slammed the door.
"Way to go Zee!" Logan gave me a high five.
"Yeah, huzzah!" Steve joined. My face felt hot.
"I never got high fives for being shirtless before..." I mumbled as I sat and waited.
All six of us arrive at the dinner hall for breakfast. We got our food and picked a table in the corner for us to sit at.
"What the hell is this supposed to be?" Mallory mumbled. She picked up her fork and poked at the slop on her plate.
"Dog food?" I guessed. We all ate in conversation.
"So what's next on our schedules?" I asked. Every cabin was assigned a schedule for the day.
Lilly pulled hers out. "Uhh, we have free activity all day. It says we don't have school time because we were all straight A students."
"So we have fourteen hours of randomness?" Logan summed.
"Wanna hang Rose?" He asked.
"Whatever." she replied. When she went to take her trash up, I saw a grin appear on her face.
"Mallory?" I wanted to ask her a lot. What's with the migraines, what were you saying earlier, what was your nightmare about.
"Sure." she said. After breakfast and agreeing to meet here at dinner, we all split.
Mallory and I decided to go to the lake in the camp. When we arrived, I spotted a large tree to sit under. I decided to ask Mallory about the migraines first. "So Mallory, what's with your 'migraines' you get?"
She sighed and slid to the ground.
"I knew you'd figure out they weren't headaches." I sat with her and she looked deep into my eyes.
"I-I can see into the future. I knew when the bullies where coming, I knew we were going to a health camp, I just knew. But lately they've been worse and only around you."
I took in all in before I replied. "Can you read minds?" she shook her head no. That was good. The last thing she needed was peering in my thoughts about her. "You know, I'm strange too." I explained all the weird things that happened to me from the day I was born to now.
"You know," she said. "I like strange." she turned to face me. I put my arms around her and slowly pulled her in. A connection grew in between us that pulled us closer and closer. The space between our lips closed and then...
"Hey guys!" Steve jumped out of the tree scaring Mallory to topple into the lake.
"Mallory!" I dived in after her and pulled her out. "You okay?" I asked her.
"Yeah. But WHAT THE HELL STEVE?!" YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" She pulled herself up and stomped away.
"Steve..." I could punch him.
"Sorry. I didn't realized you two were..." he trailed off.
I sighed and pulled myself up. "It's-it's fine. I'll go talk to her." I followed the trail of water she left behind to behind our cabin. There, she was talking to Rose.
"We were so close Rose." she cried.
"I know, I know." Rose soothed.
"And I yelled at Steve! I wasn't really mad at him, it's just-"
"It's okay. I understand Mal. Zee's the type of boy that your family... would have liked."
I was stunned. Could Mallory actually like me?
This time I awoke to the sound of crying. I opened my eyes and saw darkness. Looking at my clock, it was only two in the morning. Who or what would be up at this hour? I sat up an looked around.
I thought nothing of it and payed my head back down. I tried drifting off to sleep but the crying continued. I finally got up when I placed to sobs to the person.
I walked over to her bed and poked her.
Sure enough she was awake. "You heard me?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"
"No one usually hears when I cry..." she admitted. I felt a pang of guilt.
"What's wrong?" I asked. She scooted over and I sat with her.
"I was thinking about my family's death."
"Oh." I didn't know how to respond to that. Honestly, how do you respond to that? "Want to talk about it?"
"Actually yes. You need to know the truth." A knock at the door stopped me from hearing the truth. An FBI agent walked in.
"Pack up. You're leaving." he ordered. "The virus is in the camp."

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